H.I.S. Graduate Worked with Grade 5

dsc00128Grade Five helped H.I.S.’s 2014 Diploma graduate, Emma, with her bachelor dissertation last week, through a survey and discussion.

Emma is currently studying Global Development and Sustainability at Bath Spa University in England and is researching what grade five equivalent students know about environmental and sustainability issues in a school in California, England, and at H.I.S. The students of grade 5 answered a survey on their individual sustainability knowledge on Wednesday. On Thursday Emma and the students engaged in a discussion concerning different environmental issues such as meat consumption, global warming, global lumber production, and biodiversity loss. dsc00127dsc00139

text: Emma; photo: AS

Congratulations Katharina – Class of 2012

14657245_10211255698295012_189906216785416963_nIt is with great pride that we congratulate another of our H.I.S. alumni as they graduate from college.

Last week Katharina proudly wore the red & blue of Simon Fraser University where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts with Honours and Distinctions.

An Honours Bachelor of Arts is extended to exceptional students who complete supplementary coursework (an additional fourth year) with distinction.

Katharina’s major was communication and her minor was print and digital publishing. Over the next couple of months Katharina is planning on gathering some work experience in the field of environmental communication. She is hoping to find a placement in a Masters Programme in that same field for next fall. 

In a recent message, Katharina told us that “H.I.S. played a big part in getting me to where I am today. The school really prepared me well for success at SFU. My IB Diploma got me an entrance scholarship and many useful skills that made my start there a lot easier.”14522812_10211255694894927_8205869427621792408_nIn the above picture you might recognise another H.I.S. alumni, Neil Kehler who came to Katharina’s graduation to support her, great to see you Neil! That beard really suits you.

We are very proud of Katharina as we are of all of our alumni.

photos: KV text: KW

Thank you Mrs Wright!

Since joining the H.I.S. Community nearly 5 years ago as a parent Becci has served as a CVC, on the PTG Planning Team, including one year as Vice-President and was a founding member of the Sounding Board. We are very grateful to Becci for her engagement in so many areas of school life, and are delighted now to have her on the staff.20160927_1050150


Screen Shot 2016-08-25 at 14.57.42It was lovely to talk to Haixu and Herman today; two students who graduated from H.I.S. last school year.

They were welcomed by some of their former teachers and shared their stories.

Haixu is looking forward to studying mechanical engineering in Berlin and Herman has made London his temporary home, where he is going to do international buisness studies.

The students worked together on the photo project, which is on display in the H.I.S. Foyer.

We wish both of them the very best and hope they will come and visit us again one day.





photo & text: AS

Message from Rosa

Dear All, 

Somehow I’m thinking a lot about H.I.S. lately. We are still living in China and everything goes well. I have some really good news to share.IMG_4093

Abel passed his IB. It was hard work and didn’t get enough sleep the last months but he managed to do it. He applied for a few universities in the UK, one in Rotterdam and his first choice UBC Vancouver. 

He got accepted at UBC and yesterday he flew there on his own to start his new life. 

He did very well in the IB. His total score was 36 points. He will study Bachelor of Commerce at UBC. I miss him like crazy but we have to go through this and in October we will visit him. 

Jaro is now Grade 11 and we just started the new school year. Right now I can’t say how it goes but knowing Jaro it will go well. He is elected this week as the new VP from STUCO. (student council) 

He is somehow a born leader so probably it is the right job for him. 

I hope H.I.S. is doing well. I saw your website and it looks great. Keep up the great work. 

We will probably stay here in China for another 2 years because I don’t want to move Jaro. After his graduation we don’t know where we should go. We still have our house in HD and Jacques and I both would like to go back there. We will see what the future brings. 

I wish all of you a good start of the new school year! 

Stay healthy and safe. 

Warm regards from Shenzhen! 


Former Students Visit H.I.S.

Dear Carla and John,

Thank you for dropping by today to visit H.I.S. It was great to see you and to hear about your latest accomplishments.

Good luck with starting medical studies in Prague, Carla. Best wishes to John who is waiting to start a Masters’ Programme soon.


photo: AS


Congratulations to Lawrence!

Congratulations to Lawrence Gillman (H.I.S. Class of 2011) who graduated from the University of Edinburgh, with an Honours Degree in Biochemistry, 1st class, this year. We are very proud of you and wish you all the best for your next steps in life.

Lawrence and buddies

Lawrence (middle) at his graduation party with two of his Scottish friends.

photo: Karen MG

Greetings from Singapore

Guess which cap Moritz chose to wear on his field trip to an organic farm with his current school in Singapore?  “H.I.S.  is always with us”, his mother commented.


Moritz’s family sends greetings to the H.I.S. community. They hope to visit Heidelberg sometime soon.




Message from Elena

519-foto-maastricht-universityWe love to hear from our former students, especially when it is great news they want to share.

Here is a message from Elena Linkweiler thanking DP Co-ordinator Kevin Whitmore for helping her with application procedures:

I just wanted to give you an update on my current university situation 🙂 I have been accepted to both of the universities I applied to, Maastricht University and KU Leuven in Brussels. After visiting both on open days, I have decided to accept the offer from Maastricht, because it is more international and has a teaching method which I think will suit me better. Thank you again for helping me with my applications!

Right now, I am working a bit to earn some money, and slowly preparing everything for my move in August. I’m also trying to brush up my rusty math skills 😉  

I wish the Grade 12s good luck for their exams and hope all is well,


My Internship at H.I.S.

Mirjam_Hofmann_BildMy name is Mirjam Hofmann and I will complete my studies at the „Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg“ presumably in November 2016. To collect data for my final examination about the effects of learning German as a foreign language in a multicultural environment, I completed a three week internship at H.I.S.. From the first day on I felt very welcome and I really enjoyed working in a warm and personal atmosphere.

What impressed me most was the great support of all colleges and the innovative way of working with the students. I really like the concept of individually suporting students based on their personal abilities. This individual support is not only achieved by a small size of classes, but also by personalized adjustments of new learning content. In my opinion this is the most effective way to easily learn with fun. For everyone who wants to experience a great school atmosphere and an innovative way of teaching, I can strongly recommend H.I.S. After I finish my studies I would be very proud to be part of this school again.20160426_152721

text: Mirjam Hofmann