A post a day……………15

Schüler machen Zeitung! H.I.S. Junior Journalists

In November and December 2019 the grade 9/10 German Language and Literature class took part in the annual project “Schüler machen Zeitung” organised by the local Rhein Neckar Zeitung.
The project entailed a daily RNZ subscription and a newspaper article writing competition. Each year several hundred students from schools in the Heidelberg area participate in this project. Every student writes an article about a topic of personal interest. The best articles are chosen and published by the RNZ.
Finally, last week, in a separate “Sonderbeilage” of the RNZ, the best 40 student articles were published and we are very proud that you can find 4 articles of H.I.S. students among them.
Well done Anton, Elli, Eshal, Franklin, and Jooke!
Elli and Jooke:
A big thank you to Frau Kress for supporting the students and this project!

A post a day…………13

Online Music

The G6 German language Acquisition class started to vividly present their daily routines on Powerpoint via Zoom last week.

Brianna and Frau Stricker introduced their dogs and Pablo even gave an impromptu concert on his French Horn! Bravo, Pablo! Let’s hope we can soon go back to our usual routines and in the meantime, stay connected and make the best of the new learning opportunities we have!

text & photos: GS

A post a day…………12

Virtual fun: Story Time and Coffee Morning

Yesterday, Early Primary students were enjoying story time with Ms Cervantes…..


Grade 10 parents got together via zoom. Thanks for organising this virtual Coffee Morning, Pam – good to see you all.

Have a good weekend everybody and don’t forget to switch off your light for EARTH HOUR tonight at 20:30.


Earth Hour

Dear students, teachers, families, friends, and citizens of Heidelberg,

We invite you to participate in Earth Hour being held tomorrow evening, Saturday 27 March, at 8:30 pm.

Intention: Earth hour is an annual event held on the last Saturday evening of March. During Earth Hour, millions of people take part in this event as a symbol of their support and approach to find strategies that will help in solving the problem of global warming.

How to Take Part: At 8:30 p.m. [local time] on March 28th, 2020, people from all over the world participate in the Earth Hour. To participate in this event, millions of people from all around the world turn off all lights and electrical appliances as a symbol of their support to find a solution to global warming.


How this participation will make a difference: By participating in this annual event, you are sending out a message that you want to be part of the solution. A society comes together only if each individual makes an effort. If you take it upon yourself to participate in this event, consider yourself supporting the society and binding it as a whole because every person counts and by each person coming forward to aid this event is what makes it a wholesome approach to save the planet!!! Participate in this event to send a signal that you care about your planet, you care about the solution.

Thank you!

Saadhvi and the Grade 8 Class

A post a day………..11

From a distance - Grade 8

In Homeroom, Grade 8 spend time thinking about how learning at a distance is working for them and what strategies they have to cope with staying at a distance. The students sent their ideas to their Homeroom Teacher, Mr. Knowles.

work samples contributed by Grade 8 & JK



Check the blog again tomorrow morning, and find out what Grade 10 parents have been up to!








A post a day………9

Virtual Learning in Grade 5, 6, 7 & 8

Through Distance Learning, Grade 5 demonstrate independence, commitment, creativity and communication skills. Be it through the daily Grade 5 message, using zoom, Skyping or email, we are staying connected. From the teacher’s terrace to student’s home and back again, Grade 5 has been conducting research, staying active and celebrating birthdays!

text & photos Grade 5 and FW


Hier ein Einblick in den virtuellen Deutschunterricht der Klassen 6-8:

photos: Gr. 6-8 & GS


A post a day……..8

PTG Spirit Week: Crazy Sock Day

Thank you to the PTG (Parent Teacher Group) for hosting a virtual spirit week. Yesterday was Crazy Sock Day.

Tuesday – Pajama Day

Wednesday- Disney Day

Thursday – Sports Day

Friday – Crazy hair day


photos: Emily E.