When a group of H.I.S. students and teachers went to the Waldpiratencamp to hand over a big cheque, a photographer and journalist of the local newspaper, Rhein-Neckar Zeitung were present. Enjoy reading the article published in the RNZ last week:
Monthly Archives: November 2019
International Diversity Club & Cooking Class
During Cultural Diversity Club on a Friday afternoon our MYP students were able to experience German traditions first hand.
Martinsmännchen are one of the customs used in Germany to remember and celebrate St. Martin a Roman soldier who later became bishop and who is known as a man who did many good deeds.This popular sweet treat eaten on and around November 11th and can be purchased in the majority of German bakeries or can also be made easily at home.
Grade 7,8,9 and 10 students were able to form and decorate their own pastry men and had as much fun as their younger schoolmates from EP and Grade 3 in the weeks before.
text, photos, recipe: MM, JE, JK
A Proud Chess Moment
Schach Bezirksjugend Einzelmeisterschaft U14 - Congratulations Akshat
Last Sunday, I attended a Chess tournament with players from various clubs such as Altlußheim, Viernheim, Großsachsen & Mannheim organised in Viernheim. There were various age group categories.
The tournament I played at consisted of 7 Chess games with different participants. Each game lasted a maximum of 50 mins. (25 min. each participant), kind of a rapid round competition.
I won 6 games out of 7 and achieved 2nd position in the category of Under 14 year old players. I felt very proud of myself at the end of the tournament and was very happy. During the matches I felt very stressed but after winning a couple of rounds, I was more confident.
Akshat, Gr 7
Visit to the Waldpiraten Camp
On Monday the 11th of November, several Grade 11 students went to hand over a cheque of 4,100€ to the Waldpiraten Camp. The amount was raised by the H.I.S. community. It was a new school record and we felt proud to be able to represent our supportive school community.
When we arrived, two representatives explained the concept of their organization and how our money will benefit them. Afterwards, the students got a tour around the camp where we had the opportunity to see how the children get to spend their time. This included playing games, doing sports activities and making pizza.
We hope to visit the camp again next year and hand over an even bigger amount of money to help support more children.
Blog article by: Grade 11 students
Parent Workshop with Susie March
Educating Children about Sexuality
Over 30 parents and educators attended our workshop on November 13th. Our guest, Susie March, guided us through helpful ways to engage our children in a deeper understanding of body autonomy and sexuality. Susie also taught 2 lessons during the day and provided professional development for our primary teachers.
Susie has a website (1.) where you can gather some insight on items she shared with us. These resources point to the importance of having an open dialogue with your children about their bodies, about what makes a healthy relationship and about learning regarding our sexuality. In addition, you can review important guidelines supported by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and what is developmentally normal for your child at various ages (2). This site also supports the PANTS lessons that were introduced while Susie met with 2 of our primary classes.
Helpful Links:
- https://www.susiemarch.com/parents
- https://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/healthy-sexual-behaviour-children-young-people/
Konnie Attends PYP Assembly
Konnie came to visit the students in the Primary assemblies this week. For some students this was the first time they had seen Konnie in school.
Miss Von Gizycki explained to the students where Konnie would be and how to act when he is around. The students were excited, but remained calm and that helped Konnie to be calm even with so many people around.
The students had many questions: When is his birthday? Will he come into our class? What does a therapy dog do?
Mrs von Gizycki answered student questions and explained that Konnie is still learning and growing and at the moment he will remain in the Learning Support Room, but by next Spring he should be more obvious around school and will have more contact with students.
In the meantime, we will see Konnie out on walks and around the school building and he will come and visit assemblies again soon! We are excited to see how much bigger he will be next time.
text: AR
Grade 11 Fundraising Project
Help us to build a skyscraper
This year 13 students from grade 11 are traveling across the world to help people who are in need. Three students will go to Mayana, Namibia and the others will go to Bucharest, Romania with the non-profit organizations Make Change Possible and Habitat for Humanity.
To raise the money to finance the project costs of these trips, the class has decided to make a skyscraper that needs to be completed.
Please help us to build the Skyscraper by buying any missing item:
single window: 5€, single fancy window: 15€, line of windows: 30€, bird: 7€, tree: 10€, door: 50€, antenna: 75€, sun: 150 €.
You have the chance to buy any of the mentioned items from the 18th to the 22nd of November after school in the school foyer or you can put your order and the correct amount of money in a box placed in front of the office (box, envelopes and order forms will also be available from the 18th of November).
When the skyscraper is all finished, you will be able to see what part of the building you and the children contributed. With your help and additional individual fundraising, we hope to be able to raise our goal of 8360€. This money will pay for the building materials and experts on the building site in Romania and for the individual projects in Namibia.
In addition to this next week there will be our first Healthy Bake Sale, Wednesday, the 20th of November after school. Don’t miss it! Grade 11 deeply appreciates your help in our mission to make the world a better place.
Kira, Grade 11
Grade 7 First Aid Training & Studies of the human heart
Grade 7 students had their first CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) training as a part of their Science and Physical and Health Education Curricula. They are now familiar with some first aid methods.
Building on their practical knowledge the students had the chance to deepen their knowledge about the human heart a few days later. They welcomed a guest speaker to their Science lesson. Prof.Dr. Mukherjee, a heart specialist from the Cardiology Clinic in Karlsruhe, shared information about the anatomy of heart, medical conditions of the heart and the ways medicine uses to cure them. At the end of this great lesson, all Grade 7 heart experts saw an open heart surgery video.
We would like to thank Dr. Mukherjee for taking the time to be with us.
Martinsmännchen schmecken echt gut!
Traditionally the week before the 11th November you can find pastries shaped like men in bakeries all around Germany.
These pastry men are called Martinsmännchen or Weckmänner and are one of the customs used in Germany to remember and celebrate St. Martin from Tours. He was a Roman soldier and later became bishop, who was well known for his lovingness and care towards others.
The most famous legend about him was that he had once cut his cloak in half to share with a beggar during a snowstorm.
In order to celebrate him and his positive attitude towards others, Grade 3 made dough and formed little man shaped buns during German lessons.
They decorated their men with raisins and chocolate drops. In order to follow St. Martin’s example of being caring, they also made a Martinsmännchen for our Grade 1 students. The students really enjoyed baking and handing out their Weckmänner to the younger students.
text & photos: SH&SST