A very big thank you to our garden volunteers who built the EP raised beds last Saturday.
The beds are now ready for EP students to begin planting spring bulbs!
text & photos NP
We took Konnie home on Sunday evening. He was sad at times as he was separated from his parents and his siblings. Absolutely everything is new for him. He was really brave on the car ride home. Here he is having a break at the halfway point.
Once he arrived home, he immediately explored his surroundings and seemed very relaxed. He is becoming familiar with our routines.
He loves exploring our garden and playing with his toys.
He is only 9 weeks old so he still needs to sleep a lot.
Training has already begun and we are optimistic that he is a fast learner.
We have instantly become very popular in our village. Everyone we meet wants to stroke and speak to Konnie (short for Konrad).
Konnie will join us in school after the autumn break.
Many thanks to the whole H.I.S. community, especially the PTG, for making this possible.
text & photos KvG
Would you rather touch Mummies’ ears or witch hair……..eat a ghostly banana or bandaged mummy hot dog?
Gruesome decisions had to be made by the Primary students last Friday at the H.I.S. PYP Halloween Party. The food brought in by parents was as creative and beautiful as the costumes of the students and supporters of the party. Many thanks to the PTG and all parents, staff and secondary students that helped and supported the event. Here are some impressions of the haunted MPR and Playground:
photos: AS
During Homeroom Grade 8 students made Pumpkin Soup and served it to the school staff for lunch as a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity. They raised 49.80 euros! The Pumpkins were grown and harvested locally. Grade 8 would like to encourage people to eat local produce to help protect the Environment.
H.I.S. staff members were delighted about the delicious lunch, served by Grade 8. Many thanks to Grade 8 and their Homeroom Teacher John Knowles for this fantastic service. We can’t wait to taste the next soup…!
Grade 3 has started a new initiative, tea time! After harvesting the herbs that she planted last year, Mrs. Esser has been brewing up some delicious fresh herbal tea.
With a bit of foresight these herbs were planted last school year with a long term plan to help students stay healthy through the early winter months. Students have the opportunity to bring in a mug and drink the tea throughout the day. So far we’ve had all types of teas, including mint!
How is the tea? ‘Good!’ said one student when asked to comment. Another gave some more description, ‘When you smell it, it smells like lemon. But when you drink it tastes like… hmmm… I don’t know the word for it. Let me try.’
Grade 3 will continue harvesting and using our locally grown herbs for as long as supplies last. We look forward to a hopefully healthier fall season!”
text: JC & Grade 3
Welcome to the latest addition to the H.I.S. landscape. A bench was delivered on the weekend and placed near the front entrance of the school to provide space for relaxation and communication.
Thanks to the huge number of generous participants of the German Night, the Cultural Event Working Group was able to purchase the bench. Together with the existing benches at the school entrance the “German Night Bench” is inviting you to rest and chat when you are outside waiting for school to start or finish. Enjoy the sunny autumn weather there and Herzlich Willkommen!
Special thanks to Julia, for taking care of ordering the bench.