The students of Grade 9 and 10 took part in the National Express Yourself Conference at the Pädagogische Hochschule in Heidelberg last week. The students all represented the school with pride and we are very proud of their achievements. Watch the students on national TV:
The day started by a brisk walk over the bridge to the PH, they registered themselves and then listened to the welcome note from the head of the PH, Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Huneke followed by an brief introduction by Prof. Dr. Manuela Weizel-Breuer and Prof. apl. Nicole Marmé. There was a short musical interlude and then the students split into two groups and went off to watch the presentations. Grade 9 were in one strand and Grade 10 in another. They watched the other schools presentations. At 11:20 the students of HIS presented to the jury and other schools.
The Grade 9 group (Mica, Hannah, Paige, Leo, Ella & Pavel) presented their project on the growth of cress seeds in different fertilisers. The group did a great presentation in German and all hands go to Mica who answered the jury’s questions with confidence and constantly acknowledging the others in the group!
The Grade 10 students (Karol, Benita, Jakub & Surya) presented their project on harvesting energy from sound. Their presentation went smoothly and they showed great group work skills and delivered a thorough presentation. The jury also asked questions at the end which the whole group answered confidently.Following a buffet lunch, the students were treated to a Role Model scientist presentation. Grade 9 had a lecture on “OpenStreetMap in der Geoinformatik” and Grade 10 on “Nebeloasen in der Atacam-Wüste, Chile”
Following this the two best presentations from each strand were selected. The Heisenburg-Gymnasium, Bruschsal won in both strands with both teams going head to head for the final.
Our students were encouraged to speak to the jury and get feedback, which they took with great respect and pride. In fact, both groups were second in their strands!There was tea and coffee, more musical interludes and after that the posters were awarded prizes. The Grade 10 group (Aaisha, Cameron, Giulia, Jan & Rebecca) were awarded second prize for their poster on Buddleia for achieving a fine balance between aesthetics and scientific method.
All in all it was a very good day and we believe that this has been a very valuable experience for all the students. They have developed skills throughout the process not only in scientific inquiry & literacy but also in working as part of a team and communicating in German.
Those students who presented should be very proud of their achievements, as both groups came second and were very close to winning their group rounds. For both classes, the jury gave positive feedback and said they deliberated between H.I.S. and the eventual winners.
Within the poster presentations, congratulations go to the Grade 10 group whose work on Buddleia achieved second place as the poster that achieved a balance between aesthetics and scientific method and the students were presented with a small prize.Within science, we believe that this has been a very valuable experience for the students. They have developed skills throughout the process not only in scientific inquiry & literacy but also in working as part of a team, communicating in German.
“I wanted to thank you a lot for this activity. I liked a lot the idea and execution as well. You did a lot for our kids by exposing them to this kind of competition. The outcome is good but from my perspective the whole “route” to get there was super developmental for all participants. The language element, presentation and stress handling are equally important/valuable for the students as the scientific content.” (Ivana K.)
text: SAB photos: H.I.S.