“Schüler machen Zeitung”

H.I.S. student articles published in RNZ

Once again, MYP students in Grades 8-10 participated in the annual RNZ project “Schüler machen Zeitung”.

Over six weeks in November and December, they read and discussed the daily paper in their German lessons and learned about researching and writing their own articles. At the end of the project, they had the opportunity to send in their articles, and the RNZ published the 40 best articles in a special supplement at the end of April.

11 secondary schools and more than 800 students in Heidelberg participated in this project and sent in their articles, and 8 H.I.S. students had their work published.

Congratulations go to Bennett, Katja, Hannah, Raga, Niels, Oscar, Pascal and Brian, and also to all the other students who took part in this project!


Seasons Greetings

Have a wonderful winter break

As we approach the end of another year and head into the festive period, the students and staff of H.I.S. wish you happy holidays and a positive start to the new year. May 2024 bring you success and good health.

H.I.S. Duck

Just outside the first window on the H.I.S. playground, a mother duck decided that a raised flower bed filled with fragrant herbs would be a wonderful place to lay her eggs. We will need to tread carefully and keep a distance from our temporary visitor for a little while.



Grade 11 students visit the Waldpiraten

A group of Grade 11 students have recently visited the Waldpiraten Camp. As you are aware the Waldpiraten Camp is a residential camp offering therapeutic activities to children across Germany recovering from Cancer.

At the end of September the whole H.I.S. school community ran and walked around an athletics track at Sportszentrum West for one hour to raise money for the Waldpiraten Camp. The school holds this event once a year and started fundraising for the camp in 2010.  This year H.I.S. broke its own record again in collecting over 6,400 euros.

The students had a good time on the field trip and learned so much from Herr Engel about the work of the camp and the difference it makes to young peoples lives recovering from cancer.  It was also nice that some of the students helped to translate German to English for the teachers and other students during the visit!

We also thank Grade 11 students for raising awareness within the school about the Waldpiraten Run and for their support with the event.

JK (MYP PHE Teacher)

RB (MYP PA Teacher, CAS co-ordinator)

Model United Nations

H.I.S. Students at MUN in Arnhem

21 students from H.I.S., grades 10 through 12, attended the annual Model United Nations conference in Arnhem.

With many going for the first time, there was a lot of excitement in the group as we headed towards the Netherlands. The conference was held in the beautiful school of Lorentz Lyceum, which was the new venue for the event. On the first day the conference commenced with an opening ceremony that included various speeches. One of which was held by a member of the European Parliament. Having the opportunity of listening to one of Europe’s top politicians was an extremely fruitful experience, as it inspired and motivated us all for our conferences.

Throughout the three days that we spent there, many friends were made in the respective assemblies and many lessons were learned. Students who may have felt uncomfortable speaking in front of large groups of people, found themselves having detailed speeches in front of other delegates. Other students who were returning to the conference may have been able to strengthen their public speaking skills and improve their confidence. Some students may, however, have been preoccupied with writing the funniest gossip for the gossip box, or sending love notes to the cutest delegate in their committee. Nevertheless, this year’s LMUNA was a great experience for all of us.

On the Monday, before our train ride back to Heidelberg, we visited the World War II museum in Arnhem. It contained an exhibit of the Battle of Arnhem, which took place in the later stages of the war. The exhibit showed military uniforms that were worn during the battle, as well as other clothing items of victims of the battle. The most memorable part of the exhibit was the “World War II Experience,” which tried to replicate the social conditions of the war. We were able to walk through different rooms that contained mannequins dressed as soldiers in various military stages, while ominous sounds were playing. Collectively, it created a believable environment and it left a large imprint on the students.

With the fantastic teacher supervision from Ms. D and Ms. M, we had a wonderful time dressing in formal clothes and “playing adults” for a few days. Many participants have said to happily return to MUN conferences in the upcoming year.

Elsa, Grade 11

June Bug

The mandala is taking shape

Our students are spending their time learning how they can be mindful of what we all can do  to protect our soil and our living world during our Environment Week.

Day two was greeted by a wonderful breeze and slight crispness to the air. Grades 7 and 5 contributed to the mandala on the roof top yesterday.

Dasha and Sophiia also shared their special artistic additions.

We might have some needed rain for our flowers tomorrow and if this happens, we will try to put finishing touches on the mandala Thursday morning before the festival.

Grade 4 starts at the beginning of  Wednesday followed by small groups of Grade 1.

Thanks to all of our wonderful artists!



Duke of Edingburgh Award

Weekend Expedition

The Duke of Edinburgh Award students seem to be very lucky with the weather. For their hiking and camping expedition over the weekend as well as all their previous practice hikes sunny warm weather ☀️ was a steady companion.

Saturday was a little too warm, but luckily the students had an opportunity to stop briefly at a Kneipp Kur, stretch their legs and wade through the water like a storch.

With this weekend being their first two night expedition, it was clear that the students have become much more independent through each expedition. They have developed their skills in maps reading, navigating and cooking using a Trangia. Their fitness levels have improved vastly over the past year to allow them to hike with their backpacks for the required 16 km each day.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed that they continue to have sunny warm weather on their final assessed expedition from 24-26 June, but perhaps they do need to experience a little rain on at least one day.