Butterfly of Peace

The past month, Grade 10 students have been busy learning about radiation – its uses in society from surprising things such as checking the thickness of paper and even in smoke alarms, to the more widely known uses in nuclear power plants and as nuclear weapons.

They staged a debate about nuclear power and nuclear weapons using MS teams as a platform for debating online.

At the end of the unit, students were exposed to poems written about the Chernobyl disaster and were then asked to develop their own peace symbol and write their own poem in remembrance for those that lost their lives in the atomic bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

text: SAB

Make Change Possible

Christmas Card Sale

To support the Make Change Possible Foundation (MCP) there will be a Christmas card sale on the 7th of December from 14:45 to 15:45 outside the H.I.S. building.

100% of the sales revenues will be donated to the Make Change Possible Foundation to help children in Nambia. Card prices range from 2.50 to 3 Euros and come with an envelope.

Your support is highly appreciated,

Carolin  (Grade 11).

Happy Diwali

Festival of Lights

On the weekend, millions of Indians started celebrating Diwali. It is a festival of lights. During this festival, people light up their houses and shops. They worship Lord Ganesha for good welfare and prosperity and Goddess Lakshmi for wealth and wisdom.

The celebration of Diwali ties in beautifully with our current unit in grade 4, Cultural Identity. So we asked our three Indian students if they would like to make a presentation about Diwali. Nashwa, Tanish and Paulo came to school beautifully dressed in traditional Indian costumes. They showed grade 4 their presentation and passed out individually wrapped Diwali treats.

Thank you Nashwa, Tanish and Paulo and also a big thank you to their parents for helping to organise this.

The Grade 4 Team

City of Heidelberg Action

Zeig's Uns! We care!

The city of Heidelberg has invited schools to share and display the “Zeig’s uns!” posters, which remind us of the AHA (Abstand, Hygiene, Alltagsmaske) formula.

Students, staff and parents have been doing a great job of wearing masks, washing hands and airing rooms at H.I.S. – let’s keep it up!


COVID Fatigue?

10 Actions that can help you stay strong and well

The moments between the summer and fall breaks required all of us to find a renewed source of resilience. Our students display this daily; following the guidelines that help safeguard each other and keep our community well.  Over the next month in our weekly newsletter, I will speak to the 10 R’s listed here to help us all stay well during a time that tries our patience and keeps us distant from those we love.

The first R asks that we reaffirm our actions. These actions have kept us safe over the past 8 months and will see us through the rest of this pandemic. Actions matter and a mask on our faces, emphasis on hygiene and keeping distant are known to keep this virus in check. Let’s reaffirm these actions and trust that in time, our vigilance will make a difference when this pandemic is no more.

I invite all of you to send me an email to lance.fortner@hischool.de with strategies or methods you have used to achieve any of the R’s on this list. I would love to generally speak to what works for all of you as I share about these R’s in the weeks to come.

Stay well and strong everyone!


Whole School Counsellor