PYP Movie Afternoon


The Parent Teacher Group prepared a special event for all of the PYP students today: a movie afternoon with popcorn and marshmallows. The students cuddled up on cushions in the MPR which turned into a movie theatre featuring  Disney’s “The Rescuers”. “I liked the little dragonfly best, it was wearing a sweater and had a moustache”. (Anton, Grade 4)


Helau! Alaaf! – Fasching Fun at H.I.S.

Grade 5 organised a Faschingsparty for all PYP classes. The students chose costume themes for each class, prepared games and made sure students had a lot of fun! The sweet surprise sponsored by the PTG and the prices for the best costumes were delicious, students said. Read on for some reflections of the organising students and their teachers:


Wir sollten besser planen, d.h. wir sollten uns auf eine Sache konzentrieren.

Wir waren alle sehr geduldig mit den Kindern.


 Alles ist nach Plan gelaufen. Der Aufbau und der Abbau war zu hektisch.


The students really liked the games.

But sometimes they didn’t listen and preparation of some of the games could have been better.


Wir hatten eine gute Vorbereitung und eine gute Organisation während der Feier. Ein paar Leute hatten leider nicht themengerechte Kostüme und haben trotzdem den Kostümwettbewerb gewonnen.


Die Faschingsfeier hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht, weil die Zeitorganisation gut geklappt hat.


The organization was good. We had everything we needed.

The team-work was not always so effective and the communication didn’t always work too well.


Alle waren glücklich. Aber als wir die Preise verteilten, gab es ein paar Tränen, weil nicht alle gewinnen konnten.

Alle machten die Spiele, die wir vorbereitet hatten. Allerdings fanden einige die Spiele langweilig und hatten nicht so viel Spaß.


It was a really nice event and the students had a great time. Well done to Grade 5 on some excellent organization and thank you to the German department for holding it all together.

(Mr. Raw)

Must SAY… Grade 5 did an exceptional job today. They should be very proud of themselves. Loud, clear, self-confident and so well organized – BRAVO!!! Grade 1 had a great time!

(Mrs. Neumann)

It was wonderful!  Thank you grade 5!!

(Mrs. Price)

It certainly brought back some long-forgotten memories for me!


(Mrs. Knowles)




AGIS Conference 2015

The Association of German International Schools (AGIS) organises a conference in Hannover every year. A group of H.I.S. staff members attended the conference this weekend. 250 teachers from all over Germany met in Hannover to exchange ideas, to learn, to present and to celebrate their love of teaching and learning.



We organised the semi-formal because we wanted to plan an event where people could just come and have a good time. Our goal was to raise money for WWF, a charity for helping animals. A lot of people came to the dance and I think everyone had a good time. We should be donating the money this week.

Brianna, Valerie, Priyu & Ishani

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Open Doors

Guillermo Jimenez, Individuals and Societies teacher at H.I.S., opened the doors to his classroom on Tuesday afternoon and gave parents an insight into his subject, teaching methods and a typical Grade 8 lesson. Parents had the chance to see students in action, Mr. Jimenez had filmed them in class and was showing snippets of the lesson he recorded. This was our second MYP “Open Doors” event; we will open the doors again to another classroom. Which MYP subject is the next one?