PYP Fasching – Thank you

Dear H.I.S. Community,

Thank you for your help. We are especially grateful to those of you that came to school early to help us set up for Fasching.

We were surprised by the amount of creativity that went into the homemade costumes.

All of the costumes were really good, but we had to choose winners. Please tell your children this, if they were upset that they didn’t win. We hope students as well as parents all had fun at this event that we put a lot of time and effort in. Hopefully next year there will also be a lot of fun and we encourage you to be just as creative and helpful as this year.

Anne, Aron (the moderators) and Grade 5

PYP Faschings Celebration

Make your own costume!

Dear parents,

There will be a Fasching celebration on the 19th of February. For those who do not know what Fasching is, it is a celebration were you dress-up and play games, this is celebrated in Germany. At our school the whole PYP is invited! The mottos or topics are:

  • EP: under the sea
  • Grade 1: my favourite food
  • Grade 2: school things
  • Grade 3: Inventions
  • Grade 4: pairs or groups (such as spaghetti and sauce or cereal and milk. What we mean is that one child dresses -up as spaghetti and the other as sauce.)

The costumes HAVE to be homemade. There will be a contest for the best costume. 2 people in every class will win this contest for the most creative and sustainable designs. Look at some of the winners from the past. Good luck making your costumes.


Anne and Aron (grade 5 moderators)

Konnie Takes Public Transport

I am trying to give Konnie a range of experiences.  At the weekend, he travelled by bus and tram for the first time.

He was very excited to have a day out in the big city of Heidelberg and behaved very well on public transport.

He was incredibly tired after his day of trying new things and slept well last night.

text & photo KvG

Chinese Culture Festival


On Friday, the H.I.S. community celebrated the Chinese New Year at the Chinese Culture Festival. The evening will long be remembered as a fantastic celebration, with wonderful food and an exciting programme. The beautifully decorated MPR was glowing with red and gold lanterns, lights and decorations. Many of the guests came dressed in red, too. Our thanks go to our Chinese parents who planned and organised this wonderful evening for us. 非常感谢您度过了美好的夜晚

text & photos AS