On March 27-29, four of our students participated in the ISMTF mathematics competition at the International School of Toulouse. Congratulations to Ricky, Brianna, Hannah and Harrison, for their good results and hard work leading up to the event.
The competition attracts top mathematics students from international schools all over Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The H.I.S. team scored 43 out of a possible 204 points. We were satisfied with our results even if we weren’t one of the top teams. Our team solved at least one question right in each of the 10 rounds and beat our most recent placement from two years ago. Hannah’s mixed-schools team even won second place in the fun event Sunday morning, echoing her team’s first place win 2013.
Impressions from our team:
It was great to see part of France and the Airbus facilities . It was tiring – little sleep, lots of buses, getting up early. It was fun, meeting new people, hanging out with the host families, playing video games. It is a great feeling when you get a question right!
Joylene Vette-Guillaume, Mathematics Teacher