Grade 1 explores “The Parts of Art”

In inquiring about the meaning of art and ways to express themselves, the Grade 1 students brought together the visual arts with the performing arts in their  Semi-musical Performance, based on the story, “Ambrose goes for Gold”, by Tor Freeman.

DSCI0027The students picked the story and identified the motto, using the IB learner Profile. Through the four week process of inquiring on how to put together a play, they created their own text, songs, dance, scenery and the brilliant costumes.

DSCI9858text: Jacqueline Neumann

H.I.S. Sports Field – excitement grows as work continues

Work on the H.I.S. sports field continues and the excitement among students and staff was growing with the Field changing its colour from grey to red as the final surface was being added today.


The next steps include putting up the goals, adding the markings, basket ball hoops and the fence. During break time students can watch the progress and have been excellent communicators making contact with the workers to find out more about the machines being used and the different surfaces being applied.





Where are they now #6

Starting at H.I.S. with her older sister Leandra, Stella Pfisterer graduated with the Class of 2012.  After this she first she went to Amsterdam to do a basic year of Art/Design at the Rietveld Academy. As she told us recently, “this gave me a deeper knowledge about where my strengths are, because the creative field is very open and I realized I first need to experience everything, to be able to make a choice.”

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Stella is currently studying Communication Design in Frankfurt, what she is most impressed with, is that they learn not to just make things look pretty, they discuss important topics and try to find a innovative solution to economical, political or environmental problems in a visual way.

For her latest project, Stella took part in the DesignLab Competition from Electrolux. She has sent us the description of her Product and the first Design draft.

Design Brief

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Where are they now #5

Kat Siebenhaar joined H.I.S. from Shanghai back in 2010, she was a graduate in the Class of 2012.


After graduating she studied in Kaiserslautern but moved back to Heidelberg a few months ago to study Psychology at SRH. Kat notes that they have a really good learning environment at SRH so she recommends it to future graduates wanting to stay in Germany.

Class of 2012

When Kat began at university she was studying chemistry but she didn’t really like it so, as she told us in a recent email, “switching my subject was the best decision I ever made. Psych is fascinating and I love studying it.”

Now whilst we understand what Kat means, we respectfully disagree, we think the best decision she made was joining us at H.I.S. she was a fantastic addition to the school and we were very glad she did.

Other than that, Kat told us that she is still doing Triathlons and this summer she will be participating in a team 24 hour cycling challenge and the ironman 70.3 in Wiesbaden. So life is still busy for Kat Siebenhaar and we wish her all the best.

MCP Fair

On Monday H.I.S. hosted the MCP Fair. The goal of this annual event is to provide educational experiences about life in Namibia. This year’s fair included millet grinding and cooking, a language game, sounds of Namibia, an African puzzle, and a board game. There was also a ball toss for the more sporting amongst us. For those attending there was a fun and relaxed atmosphere as we all learned together and experienced a life different from our own. We also said our final farewells to Joseph. He thanked H.I.S. for hosting him and had lots of positive things to say about our school.


IMG_2789text: Helen Parsons

Destination Imagination at H.I.S.

Last week the H.I.S. DI teams invited students, staff and parents to watch their plays. The performances sparked with creative ideas and were truly entertaining. The students had worked independently on dialogues, props and costumes – team leaders could not interfere and merely supervised the teams when they practiced. It was fantastic to see how students of different ages work together and support each other. Well done DI teams! A big thank you to the team leaders!

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Mathematics competition in Toulouse

On March 27-29, four of our students participated in the ISMTF mathematics competition at the International School of Toulouse. Congratulations to Ricky, Brianna, Hannah and Harrison, for their good results and hard work leading up to the event.

Team in final awards assemblyThe competition attracts top mathematics students from international schools all over Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The H.I.S. team scored 43 out of a possible 204 points. We were satisfied with our results even if we weren’t one of the top teams. Our team solved at least one question right in each of the 10 rounds and beat our most recent placement from two years ago. Hannah’s mixed-schools team even won second place in the fun event Sunday morning, echoing her team’s first place win 2013.

Harrisons TeamImpressions from our team:

It was great to see part of France and the Airbus facilities . It was tiring – little sleep, lots of buses, getting up early. It was fun, meeting new people, hanging out with the host families, playing video games. It is a great feeling when you get a question right!

Joylene Vette-Guillaume, Mathematics Teacher

Heidelberg Half-marathon 2015

Congratulations to all our “Mums, Dads and Staff on the run” at yesterday’s Heidelberg Half-marathon. The route is known as one of the most beautiful and toughest in Germany. Thanks go to our fabulous supporters with their posters, cameras, cheers … and refreshments!


Last day of school for Grade 12

Congratulations and best wishes to our Grade 12 – today they finished all their taught school classes, forever!


We have loved your creativity this week and appreciate your generosity giving the Grade 11 students advice, for the rest of their DP courses, from your “lessons learned”.

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We send you our very best wishes for your exams next month.

Kathleen Macdonald, School Director


Deutscher Abend 2015

Deutsche haben keinen Humor? Von Wegen! Die Schüler der Klassen 6-10 bewiesen gestern mit jeder Menge “Äktschn” auf der Bühne das Gegenteil!


Mit Sketchen, Fotostories einem Stau-Rap und Filmtrailern unterhielten die Schüler das Publikum anderthalb Stunden lang. Mikael (10. Klasse) und Yann (9. Klasse) überzeugten außerdem als Moderatoren mit witzigen Einlagen zwischen den einzelnen Stücken. What is a favourite past time of all Germans with a driving license? Students performed a “Stau-Rap” to answer the question. Ein deutscher Klischeetest und ein Superlativ Quiz stellten das Publikum auf die Probe.

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Gespielte Szenen wie die “verrückte Studenten WG”, die szenische Umsetzung literarischer Werke von Heinrich Böll (“Ankekdote zur Senkung der Arbeitsmoral”), Moliere (“Der eingebildete Kranke”) und Malecha (“Die Probe”) war ebenso kreativ wie die Filmtrailer zum Drama “Die Räuber” von Friedrich Schiller.

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