PYP Parent Info Meeting – Thank you!

20160928_092810We hope that you enjoyed the PYP Parent Info meeting last Wednesday and we thank you for your attendance and participation in the activities.

We trust that the topics gave you an insight into the programme as a whole and also the connections between teacher plans for learning and how students are assessed in relation to the phases of the H.I.S. Primary Curriculum.

If you have any more questions please do send an email to Kate or Allyn or alternatively you can arrange a time to meet. Further meetings are planned throughout the year and we would welcome any suggestions you may have for future topics. Selected slides from the presentation will shortly be available on the school website.20160928_09283620160928_092800   20160928_085643

Allyn Raw, Kate von Gizycki.

International Day of Peace

H.I.S. Students Contributed to The International Peace Quilt

screen-shot-2016-09-27-at-15-41-01Last Wednesday, 21st September, was the International Day of Peace.

Students took time in assemblies and classes to think about what peace means to them and their role in maintaining peace in their own lives.

At the end of the last school year G3 (now G4) submitted entries for the International Peace Quilt. The quilt was produced for the 2016 Rio Olympics and the entry from H.I.S. represented Germany (as we had also done for the International Peace Quilt for the London Olympics in 2012).

We recently received our participation certificate.

More information on the International Peace Quilt can be found on the following link: (Scroll down to 25th June 2016 for a very detailed piece on the H.I.S. entries)


text: AR

Euro Space Center – Grade 5 Extended Field Trip

20160913_132823Grade 5 have touched down after four awe-inspiring days in Space! The students loved the different experiences offered by the Euro Space Center and have returned with even more knowledge of the universe and what it is like to be an astronaut.

We completed a „space shuttle mission“ where we had to launch, unload a satellite on the ISS and safely land back at the space centre. We had to work together in the control room in order to help the Commander and Pilot complete the mission.

We also had a chance to feel what it would be like to do a virtual „moon walk.“ It was a lot fun! We also had a chance to go into space and repair a satellite on a „zero gravity wall.“ Once we learned how to navigate around, we had to take wires up the wall with us and try to figure out how to make the satellite light up.

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We loved the „multi’axis chair.“ Astronauts used to use this to help them learn to complete a task or regain control of a shuttle or rocket when it is spinning out of control. To experience this we had a choice as to how fast we would like to spin and then had to trace over some dotted lines while we were spinning! It was great!

One last activity we did was the spinning chair. We learned about how the fluid in our inner ear controls our balance and will often make astronauts feel sick. Did you know that your inner ear is part of the reason that some people get car sick? But luckily noone got sick. It was a very successful and fun trip!

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text & photos: CB

Thank you Mrs Wright!

Since joining the H.I.S. Community nearly 5 years ago as a parent Becci has served as a CVC, on the PTG Planning Team, including one year as Vice-President and was a founding member of the Sounding Board. We are very grateful to Becci for her engagement in so many areas of school life, and are delighted now to have her on the staff.20160927_1050150

PYP Information Morning – Join us on Wednesday!


  • When: Wednesday 28th September 2016, 08:40 – 09:40, MPR
  • Who: New and returning parents
  • What is PYP all about?
  • Planning and assessment
  • Teaching approaches
  • Ask your burning questions!


Annual H.I.S. Charity Event for Waldpiraten Heidelberg

imgres“Mut tut gut” is their motto. The Waldpiraten Camp supports families with children suffering from cancer.

To help the Waldpiraten by collecting donations the H.I.S. community gathered today for the Waldpiratenrun. Every student, staff member and parent was invited to run, walk or skip as many laps as possible.

Grade 11 students prepared a sponsor form and helped counting laps. The sunshine, warm temperatures and happy faces and pirates made this a successful and fun event. We would like to thank everyone for donating money, time and energy. Special thanks to John Knowles and Grade 11.





text & photos: AS

Viele Mücken, ein Wildschwein und eine Blindschleiche

Die 5. Klasse der H.I.S. erforschte den heimischen Wald

img_4697-1In einem Wald voller Schnecken lauerten laute Schreie von Rishi. Jedoch nicht nur das erwartete die Schüler der 5. Klasse der H.I.S. auf ihrem Waldausflug auf dem Gaisberg.

Es gab viele Aktivitäten in der Natur. Die Schüler sahen, hörten, rochen den Wald, sie ahmten das “Wood Wide Web” erfolgreich nach, sie sammelten Dinge aus dem Wald und gestalteten damit Kunstwerke.

img_4696-1Als alle gerade dabei waren auf die Geräusche des Waldes zu hören, gab es einen lauten Knall. Keiner hatte eine Idee was das war. Erst als sie Spuren im Waldboden sahen hatten sie eine Ahnung: Das waren Wildschweine!

Das waren nicht die einzigen Tiere, die die Schüler an diesem Tag zu Gesicht bekamen. Eine 1 Meter lange Blindschleiche kreuzte ihren Weg und auch ein Eichhörnchen kletterte vor ihnen auf einen Baum. Außerdem wurden die Schüler und Lehrer von Mücken angegriffen.

Auf dem Weg zum Mittagessen durfte jeder sein eigenes Kunstwerk mit Dingen aus dem Wald machen und mitnehmen. Ein erfolgreicher Tag ging damit zu Ende, dass Katherine noch ihre Idee vorstellte, wie die Schüler der 5. Klasse Geld sammeln könnten um die Wälder vor der Abholzung zu retten. Alle stimmten zu: „Ja! Let’s take action!”

Text: Caera, Conrad, Giulietta, Jano, Katherine, Rishi, Riya, Ryan, Zara, Fr. Hohenwarter

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Grade 4 Extended Field Trip

20160914_144800Grade 4 students went on an extended Field Trip to Hofgut Stammen in Trendelburg.

Here are some comments the student made after the trip:

The EFT was extremely fun, but I really enjoyed the bike excursion because I like biking. I loved the trip! – Filiz

I really liked the secret identity game and canoeing. – Ryan

On the extended field trip I loved the 4 hour bike ride even though I felt like my legs were going to fall off. – Sanju

I really enjoyed bike riding, true it was hard but I also loved getting out into nature and riding around. – Evan 




photos & text: Grade 4

International Fun Fest

At the annual H.I.S. Fun Fest Heidelberg International School opened its doors and invited the school community and guests to take part in various activities. International finger food and juicy drinks made the sunny morning a truly fun event.


Thank you to all parents for providing food, to the PTG for organising the tombola and to all helpers, supporters and organisers!

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World’s Largest Lesson

Grade 5 Students Explore Global And Local Issues

twll-imageThis week IB World Schools have been taking part in the “World’s Largest Lesson”.

Our Grade 5 students are currently exploring ‘How the World Works’ with a focus on Space. For the “World’s Largest Lesson”, the students have been thinking about the issue of Gender Inequality and how that relates to Astronomers and Astrophysicists.

We first explored the involvement of women as Astronomers throughout history. As early as the mid 1700’s, we discovered that a handful of women were making a significant contribution to the field of astronomy. We also connected this to the fact they did not marry and have children. We realized that they were not given the same status as the men they worked with. Nor were they given full recognition for their discoveries.img_4719

Shifting to the present, we explored how half of NASA’s newest Astronaut Class are women, how that ratio has changed over the years and possible reasons for this change.

We also discussed ideas connected to the death of women in Astrophysics and possible solutions to this problem.

Here are some quotes from our Grade 5 students:

“Women are finally equally righted and have a chance to go to Mars.”     Conrad

“Girls have equal rights at NASA since 1978.”    Giuliettaimg_4709

“Women should have the right to go outside and do whatever they want exactly like a man’.    Lihi

“I wouldn’t want to be a girl in 1978 if I wanted to be an astronaut.”    Jano

“Sometimes a man’s win leads to a women’s loss and sometimes a woman’s win leads to a man’s loss”.     Riya


text & photos: Margaret Burch