Environment Week


Imagine sitting in a beautiful garden, in a comfortable lounge chair. It’s springtime and there is a warm breeze, bringing with it the sweet scent of flowers….and now open your eyes and enjoy the beautiful butterflies that are fluttering through your garden.

Many thanks to all students, parents and staff that created and submitted butterflies and art work to celebrate Environment Week 2020.


Kangaroo Mathematics Competition 2020

Who makes the longest "jump"?

H.I.S. students took part in the Kangaroo Math Competition today.

The Kangaroo mathematics competition started in Australia many years ago. It aims to promote mathematical thinking and problem solving.

Each year, the German branch of the organisation writes a set of questions in English and in German for grades 3-13 and organises sponsors and prizes.

The competition went online this year because of school closures. This meant the competition aspect was smaller, giving us the opportunity to solely focus on mathematical thinking and fun.

In grades 3-6 we encouraged family-wide cooperation for the event. Everyone who participated will receive a small prize. There will be a T-shirt awarded to the student with the longest “jump” (number of consecutive correct questions).

Student comments:

“I liked it because it was fun, and we did not have to do school work for 4 periods”

“In my opinion, it’s pretty good, however obviously it was quite difficult but overall I enjoyed it”

“I really liked it because it was something different and it challenged us in some parts which was good.”

“I enjoyed it because it was interesting and different …”

“I really loved how different and well planned it was”

“I like the kangaroo math because it is related to math. I enjoyed it!”

“I enjoyed it more than us doing it in school 🙂 “


text: JVG

H.I.S. Environment Week

Butterfly Mandala

This week had been our planned Environment Week at H.I.S. Although many activities and ideas had to be set aside for a time, we wanted to send a huge thanks to those who were still able to make awareness, mindfulness, conservation or sustainability part of lessons and activities, both in class and at home.

Earlier in the week, Mr. Fortner reminded us that Thursday evening we would have “gathered the kids up on the roof to pay tribute to our mother earth while basking with music and chalk in the sun,” as they helped to complete H.I.S.’s sixth Environment Week Mandala!

For this year’s Environment week, Mr. Fortner created a butterfly mandala. “The butterfly symbolises our temporary time in the chrysalis awaiting for new life to emerge.” Students, parents and staff are invited to make their own personal mandala, by colouring in the beautiful patterns of the butterfly.


Warm wishes,

The Environment Working Group

Earth Day 2020

Many MYP students took some time yesterday to consider Earth days past and present and ask different questions about what form or role this event might play in their future.

What issues drove the establishment of this holiday in the past?

What might the world celebrate as a success, like the reduction of the ozone hole, or consider a priority, similar to today’s push for cleaner air, in the future?

How might the roles of individuals, organisations, governments and technologies in protecting the environment change?

Once again, this event also challenged us to think about how to celebrate, raise awareness, collaborate, and express solidarity in a time of social distancing.

The students are still working on their reflections, but have made a great start so far!

If you would like to learn more about this day at home, or consider taking part in a digital event with your family, please check out www.earthday.org

To celebrate Earth Day yesterday, a Grade 9 student spent time preparing a vegetable, herb and flower bed.

text: CH

H.I.S. in Bloom

The Netherlands is famous for its fields of tulips, but H.I.S is now a close second –  thanks to the hard work of parents, teachers and students.

A couple of years ago, Tim Clarke, our former Design teacher and his Grade 8 class designed some garden beds for Early Primary. Materials were purchased but work had to be delayed until the new extension had been completed.

Then, back in Autumn last year on a Saturday morning, a small team of skilled and dedicated helpers completed the construction of the beds and Early Primary students planted them with daffodils and tulips.

The new raised garden beds outside the Early Primary entrance are now in full bloom. The colourful tulips seem to be growing towards us all in our homes and saying, ​’Where are you all? Look at us. Aren’t we beautiful? Come back soon!’ Our answer to the tulips is, of course, ‘Yes, you do look gorgeous and we’ll be back to look after you as soon as we can!’ In the meantime, thanks to the Administration team for keeping an eye on the garden.

text: NP

Welcome Back At A Distance

And see you soon

Welcome back to the H.I.S. Distance Learning and a very warm welcome to the new parents and students, who have had their first day at H.I.S. yesterday. We look forward to meeting you.

Drop-off time in the morning is still all to quiet…..we miss you!

The Admin Team look forward to welcoming H.I.S. students and their parents back to school. Until then we look forward to your blog contributions about the continued H.I.S. Distance Learning Programme. Please send any text or photos to anke.schumacher@hischool.de.

Have a great week.


Spring Break Spring Clean

With time at our hands and the lovely spring weather, I’m sure a lot of you have been busy working in and around your homes or gardens during the break.

Being a member of the H.I.S. Environment Working Group, Mrs Bracht didn’t let the cancellation of the H.I.S. Spring Clean deter her – she stepped right into action, with her family.

Mrs. Bracht: “Unfortunately there is plenty of work to be done around my neighbourhood.

Fantastic effort – thank you for taking action!



Mannheimer Morgen: Protective Masks Produced in Heidelberg

Tiago & Keno continue to make a difference

Follow this link to the article published in “Mannheimer Morgen”, 14th April: https://www.morgenweb.de/mannheimer-morgen_fotostrecke,-fotostrecke-brueder-aus-heidelberg-produzieren-kostenlos-schutzschilde-aus-dem-3d-drucker-_mediagalid,36452.html

photo: Kerstin Beck