Grade 10 Service Activity

Grade 10 organized a spontaneous mini-street cleaning-action during homeroom period on Wednesday this week. The weather was fine and during one hour the students found an unexpected amount of trash in the close neighborhood of H.I.S.

One team was especially successful. Well done grade 10!


Visiting Cube SRH Restaurant

Who makes the H.I.S. hot lunch?

This week a group of students visited the “Cube” restaurant and more specifically their kitchen!

The students visiting our caterer got an insight into how their food is made, the products that are used to make it and the staff who are dedicated to making it. It was a visit of many surprises, such as the “biggest dishwasher the students we have ever seen”, “the endless rice cooker” and the large refrigerators where the products are kept fresh.

It was also very interesting to see where the food waste goes and it made an impact on the students, so much so that during lunch, the students made comments on trying not to waste food. It was a complete closure to our World Food Day “week”, and I say closure, but as we discussed with the students, it is something that we will continue to support not just on one day, or just one week, but throughout the year!


Clothing Drive

On the 13th and 14th of October, seven students helped to collect clothes from the H.I.S. community for the Begegnungshaus in Walldorf.

The Begegnungshaus in Walldorf works to help refugees from many countries especially the Ukraine and local people in need in many different ways. The house offers free tutoring and English lessons for kids and adults and also has a room dedicated for donated clothing. Adults, teens and kids in need of these clothes can “shop” and try on the clothes and take home their most needed and favourite pieces. As the cold winter approaches the Begegnungshaus was in need of warm jackets, sweaters and pants so initiative by 11 and 12 graders was taken to organise a clothing drive to collect warm clothes from the H.I.S. community. 

The drive was a success as the H.I.S. community was able to bring in a dozen large bags of clothing for kids, teens and adults at the Begegnungshaus. They were extremely thankful for our contribution and would like to thank the H.I.S. community for donating the clothes and helping them this winter. 

Elsa and Lucia, Grade 11

Model United Nations

H.I.S. Students at MUN in Arnhem

21 students from H.I.S., grades 10 through 12, attended the annual Model United Nations conference in Arnhem.

With many going for the first time, there was a lot of excitement in the group as we headed towards the Netherlands. The conference was held in the beautiful school of Lorentz Lyceum, which was the new venue for the event. On the first day the conference commenced with an opening ceremony that included various speeches. One of which was held by a member of the European Parliament. Having the opportunity of listening to one of Europe’s top politicians was an extremely fruitful experience, as it inspired and motivated us all for our conferences.

Throughout the three days that we spent there, many friends were made in the respective assemblies and many lessons were learned. Students who may have felt uncomfortable speaking in front of large groups of people, found themselves having detailed speeches in front of other delegates. Other students who were returning to the conference may have been able to strengthen their public speaking skills and improve their confidence. Some students may, however, have been preoccupied with writing the funniest gossip for the gossip box, or sending love notes to the cutest delegate in their committee. Nevertheless, this year’s LMUNA was a great experience for all of us.

On the Monday, before our train ride back to Heidelberg, we visited the World War II museum in Arnhem. It contained an exhibit of the Battle of Arnhem, which took place in the later stages of the war. The exhibit showed military uniforms that were worn during the battle, as well as other clothing items of victims of the battle. The most memorable part of the exhibit was the “World War II Experience,” which tried to replicate the social conditions of the war. We were able to walk through different rooms that contained mannequins dressed as soldiers in various military stages, while ominous sounds were playing. Collectively, it created a believable environment and it left a large imprint on the students.

With the fantastic teacher supervision from Ms. D and Ms. M, we had a wonderful time dressing in formal clothes and “playing adults” for a few days. Many participants have said to happily return to MUN conferences in the upcoming year.

Elsa, Grade 11

Resilience Throughout Child Development

Workshop with special guest

On Friday, 14th October, Dr. Schmidt held a workshop on “Resilience Throughout Child Development”. Dr. Schmidt is a child- and youth psychiatrist and psychotherapist in Heidelberg. She has many years of experience and was able to share her knowledge with us in a very informative and interactive workshop.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back quickly from a difficult life event. Since parents play a big role in a child’s ability to recover quickly after a stressful moment, Dr. Schmidt gave some ideas of how to help children to build up resilience.

One of those ideas was “loving kindness”. A parent should fully concentrate on their child for 5-10 minutes each day. By observing and addressing what a parent sees and observes, you connect with your child, which leads into building up a feeling of warmth, trust and love. You can do this by playing a round of UNO with your child or when you pick up your child from school. It is important that you spend those 5-10 minutes daily and that your child is the centre of attention.

Thanks to everyone who attended the workshop and many thanks to our Whole School Counsellor, for organising this event.



Reading Literacy

October 5th is recognised by the UN as Teacher Day. This year the focus is around teachers in education recovery.

In spirit of wonderful teachers around the globe and at H.I.S., our parents were treated to a small talk around reading literacy from Anna Roscoe.

Anna is an H.I.S. parent, the literacy lead for the school and has lead efforts with staff and students to facilitate literacy skills across the developmental spectrum.

Parents reviewed approaches to reading with children, young and older as well as guided discussion around what works for them as they approach reading at home.

 Next week on Friday, October 14th, at 8:45, our Student Support Team will continue the discussion with special local guest and therapeutic resource, Dr. Katharina Schmidt who will share her insight on “Resilience across the Developmental Ages.”

So spread the word, come and join us and bring a new or returning member of our community with you.


Source Analysis Posters

Grade 10

Grade ten students worked this week on posters for the MYP Evening that is scheduled for November.

The students have been studying the causes, practices and effects of the First World War. Recently, students have also been practicing source analysis skills. Each poster will feature an image that the students analyse in more detail. The pictures relate to topics such as conditions in the trenches, the home front, women’s football during the war and the Christmas truce of 1914.

You can find out more in the MYP Evening this November!