PYP Information Morning

At the PYP Information Morning parents learned how subjects are taught as Stand-Alone and also through the Unit of Inquiry.  Grade 5 students supported the parents through several activities where they focussed on a particular Line of Inquiry, Why we should develop our own gifts, talents and interests.  They used the Key Concept Responsibility to drive their inquiries.

Parents set personal goals and considered which Approaches To Learning and Attitudes they would need to employ in order to achieve these goals.  Grade 5 students were ready to support and assess.

Many thanks to the parents who participated in our German, Performing Arts and Physical Education activities.  You proved that you are Risk-Takers!


Kate von Gizycki, PYP Co-ordinator

Tourism And Pollution

Hi all! I am Pritha, a student from Grade 10. Here is a link to a video I made to inform you about tourism linked pollution as a part of my Design class unit.

I request you to take 5-10 minutes of your busy lives to watch this video as it is on a serious issue that affects each and every one of us. I understand that the topic of pollution is often brought up and can get repetitive however until the topic is solidly embedded in all of us and impactful actions start to take place in our societies, it deserves every second of our attention. As Margaret Mead once said, “We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment”.

If you are unable to watch the video due to unknown reasons, here are a few easy ways you can reduce pollution while traveling:

  1. Carry your own cutlery.
  2. Have an ice cream on a cone instead of a paper cup.
  3. Explore a city using a bike (or walk) instead of taxis…you’ll also burn calories.
  4. Avoid using straws when having drinks.
  5. Carry your own cloth bags instead of purchasing plastic bags while shopping in a new city.

More methods are mentioned in the video so please check it out!

Good luck and happy travels!

Students in The News

Today (26th April), the local newspaper (Rhein-Neckar Zeitung) published an article about the “Klangforscher” Project, which students of the Grade 9 and 10 German Language and Literature Class are taking part in. Giulio, Ishikaa, Leoni, Mercy, Michael, Nahila, Pascal and Tyra-Ashley were interviewed by a journalist from the RNZ on one of the project days in April. They informed him about their ideas for a sound composition.

We are now looking forward to our day at the Radiostation in Frankfurt where the students will have professional help to edit their sound composition.


Environment Week 2018

 A big THANK YOU to all of you who participated in Environment Week

  • On Meat Free Monday you ate and cooked more sustainably!
  • During Self-Powered to School you saved about 25,000 grams of Co2 emissions!
  • During the Printer Strike you used less paper!
  • During Turn Off Time each day we saved 0.69 kilograms of carbon dioxide per kilowatt hour of electricity!
  • You made personal pledges on the Pledge Tree!
  • You considered your use of plastic throughout the week and at the Package Free Picnic!
  • You created a beautiful Mandala on the rooftop together!
  • You performed at the Street Arts Festival and raised 70 Euros to help local wildlife!
  • You gave money for the Tree Fundraiser which aims to replace the tree lost on the playground!
  • You gave an Environment Workshop to the school community!
  • You produced Environment Posters in German and in Science!
  • You sang in Spanish!
  • And more …

Well done H.I.S.  We can be part of the solution! Keep On Thinking, Keep On Taking Positive Action!

text: NP

Ladybugs And Best Wishes

Last Day of School for Grade 12

The ladybug is a symbol of luck. In German it’s called Marienkäfer and popular legend has it that the bug is a gift – especially for farmers, seeing as ladybugs eat up aphids and other crop-chomping pests. So when they saw ladybugs crawling up and down the cornstalks or whizzing from one tree to another in the orchard, they were more likely to have a bountiful harvest.

Ladybugs can have up to seven black spots on their red wings and in many countries the number 7 is considered lucky. To this day many people believe you’re in luck when a ladybug lands on you! And I believe that if that Ladybug is made out of German chocolate then you are extra lucky!

Today was the last day of class for our Grade 12 students so we wanted to wish good luck to Leah, Jan, Robert, Aaisha, Surya, Yann, Benita, Vivien, Rony, Tom, Rasmus, Becca, Felix, Tyra, Ellen, Franzi, Judyta and Ryo.

Our youngest students in Early Primary made some good luck cards for our oldest students in Gr 12 and presented each one with a chocolate Marienkäfer to wish them extra good luck with their IB exams starting next week.

text: KW

How Can Tourists Reduce Trash?

Trash and waste are an increasing problem in today’s world. An average of 300 million tonnes of plastic are made each year, and this is continuing to grow as the population of the world increases.

A very particular time when people tend to increase their carbon footprint and plastic usage is when doing tourism. As a tourist, you need to eat and stay hydrated throughout the day, and the easiest way to do this is by buying a bag of chips and a plastic water bottle. This is damaging the world because although one tourist may not be doing much harm by him/herself, when you add up all the waste disposed of by all the tourists in the world, it gives you an incredibly large number.

We need to start reducing the amount of plastic we use and start minding what we do with our trash. This video will give you a showing of how bad the problem really is along with some solutions for the problem. We hope you enjoy and learn something from it!-

Taylor & Inigo 

Watch our film on youtube:

Take part in our survey:

Podcast: Consumption of Plastic

For our Grade 10 design project, we have created a podcast about plastic consumption and its impact on the environment. In the podcast, we explain a few ways to limit your plastic consumption while at home and on the road. Our goal is to introduce the role of plastic in our lives and inspire the H.I.S community to help preserve the environment.

The podcast and transcript is located below this text. After listening to the podcast it would be helpful if you could send us your feedback on the content, clarity, and message of the podcast to our email:

Thank you for your time and support,

Nikki and Kyra