What a lot of fun morning break was today!
photos: AS
Hello! My name is Nora and I am currently in Grade 10, working to complete my Personal Project. My project relates to language learning, and the methodologies that prove to be effective when teaching a language.
My product includes a presentation informing parents, teachers, and students of the H.I.S. community about effective language teaching methods. In other words, I created a tool to assist users in choosing the most effective language learning approach. Please click on the link to see my presentation. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xGETLwvBjKqSmJ1OrrYA0x9UDQNLdIYMFT2qTQ9Y1pw/edit?usp=sharing
Thank you!
Valentine’s day roses and chocolates will be available to order starting January 30th, 2019 and ending on February 8th, 2019. Roses are 1.50 €, and chocolates are 2 € per bag. Both can be delivered to a recipient of choice along with a note, or picked up on the day by the customer. Both roses and chocolate will be available to order in the foyer after school, or from individual student council representatives.
The Parent Teacher Group is organising a Movie Night for all students. The Movie for Primary School Students will be shown in the MPR. At the same time the movie for Secondary Students will be shown in the Hedgehog Hall. Tickets will be on sale next Monday after school.
We would like to thank everyone who has so far contributed to our fundraising total for our Habitat for Humanity Romania 2019 project! We still have a long way to go before we can finally go and help the children in Romania have an education center where they can get support with their education. This year’s Habitat project involves Grade 11 students helping to construct an energy efficient community and education center in Buftea, Romania.
The global charity Habitat For Humanity help less fortunate people who can’t afford housing, or do not have access to essential utilities in their community, by using volunteers and donations to build them new buildings and houses. Last year’s Grade 11, this year’s grade 12, also participated in a Habitat project and they all enjoyed it and many people felt we should repeat it again for this year’s Grade 11.
Our overall fundraising target is 7.700,00 € of which we have raised 1.311,16 € as of January 24th. We would like to remind you that you can still donate on our fundraising page at https://www.hfhd.de/helfen/eigene-spendenaktion/?cfd=6kdtg or by putting the money in the donation box at the school’s front desk. You can contribute to the tree by donating 2 € for a leaf, 10 € for an apple, and 25€ for a bird. If you were to donate your name would be written on the object and added to our tree.
We would also like to remind you that we will soon be hosting a Bake Sale on the 1st of February, so remember to bring some money to, not only eat some delicious pastry, but also contribute to our trip to Romania to help Habitat for Humanity, but most especially the less fortunate kids in Romania.
Pietro, Grade 11
Watch MYP students perform their version of “The Curious Incident” and walk through the MYP Visual Art Exhibtion. We will have two evenings of “MAD” performances next week.
When adopted on December 10th, 1948, the UN proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights “a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations.” (UN, http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/ ) We are excited to have the opportunity to celebrate 70 years since this declaration as well as reflect, sadly, on the distance humanity still has to go to realize these declarations in all parts of the world.
The Interkulturelle Zentrum, Heidelberg started an initiative for schools in Heidelberg to apply for a financial support to realize an exhibition with the topic “School for Human Rights/ 70 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights” during the International Weeks Against Racism (11th until the 24th of March, 2019). H.I.S. sent in a proposal as many MYP teachers saw a great opportunity to imbed this topic in the curriculum after the winter break.
At the end of January, if successful, the proposal will see H.I.S. as one of three HD schools involved in the IZ exhibition about human rights and we will hold a public open evening on Monday, the 11th of March at 7 pm (first day after March break). If not successful, we will run our own exhibition for the community on the same date.
We are very excited about this whole project and will keep you informed about the hopefully positive news from the IZ Heidelberg. For now: Save the date of the opening!
text: BK, HP
On the last the day before the Winter Break, the MYP had a fun outing to Firebowl. Here are some photos and comments from the students.
Firebowl was a good experience and we enjoyed bonding with friends and bowling! – Nasya
I think the trip went pretty well. Also, I think it was a nice last day of school of 2018. – Joanne
I really enjoyed the Firebowl trip. I feel like it was a chance to get to know people better and to just have fun. – May
I had fun on the Firebowl trip because I got to hang out with my friends and we had a bit more freedom. A lot of good memories were made. – Mabel
I enjoyed Firebowl; every minute. The atmosphere was fun and I had fun with my friends before the break. – Amir Gr6
It was fun because everybody did it. – Ichi
I liked the fact that it was the whole MYP because I have older friends so I could also hang out with them. –Lilly
text & photos Gr 6 and HP
Grade 11 students invited the H.I.S. community to make a very “sweet guess” before Winter Break. The M&M guessing was launched on Monday, December 10th and officially ended on Friday, December 14th after the Winter Fair!
Many thanks to everyone who participated in the project and helped to raise over 80 Euros for Habitat for Humanity!
Here is what you’ve all been waiting for: the glass jar contained 3167 M&Ms! The jar of M&Ms was handed over to the lucky winner, Ishan, who got closest with his guess of 3165.
Congratulations Ishan and don’t eat them all at once! Everybody else, please don’t be disappointed, you might have better luck with the raffle… Keep an eye out for posters around the school and the blog! We appreciate your help!
Janne, from the Habitat For Humanity team