Personal Project Presentation 2015

The H.I.S. community celebrated the Personal Projects of Anna, Mikael and Nikki, who presented their projects to their classmates, teachers and parents in the library. The Grade 10 students can be very proud of their achievements. Anna’s goal was to raise awareness for cancer and to inform about organisations that support patients and their relatives, like the “Waldpiraten Camp” in Heidelberg.


Mikael had researched hydrogene generators. He built his own generator and demonstrated how it produces energy by splitting water into hydrogene and oxygene. Mikael’s goal was to find out how cars can use more environmently friendly fuel in the future.


Nikki, who moved to Washington D.C. while still working on her project, finished it nevertheless and sent it to H.I.S. She followed the presentation event on skype and was able to be “present” and answer questions of the audience.

Screen Shot 2015-03-27 at 6.32.58 PM

Nikki’s goal was to promote open-mindedness. She had taken portraits of strangers and presented those to other people who then had to give their opinion about the portrayed individuals. Her display showed the “true” facts as well as the guessed information.


Congratulations to all 3 students and best of luck to them for their next projects.

Spring Clean organised by Grade 11

Heidelberg International School participated in the Spring Clean on Wednesday, March 25, 2015. The Spring Clean team (Annika, Haixu, Herman, and Katharina) was in charge of organising all of the groups, equipment, and routes. Grades 10-12 led Early Primary 1 to Grade 9 students to different areas close to the school in order to pick up trash. Students skillfully used a variety of different tools, including tongs and grabbers to clean up the grounds around the school. The result was great as we collected more than a dozen bags of rubbish.

Am Mittwoch, den 25 März 2015, hat die H.I.S. am Heidelberger Frühjahrsputz teilgenommen. Das Organisationsteam (Annika, Haixu, Herman und Katharina) hat alle Gruppen, Ausrüstungen, und Routen geplant. Die Klassen 10-12 haben die Klassen von EP1 bis zur 9. Klasse zu verschiedenen Orten rundum die Schule geführt um Müll zu sammeln. Die Schüler haben dabei sehr geschickt verschiedene Werkzeuge benutzt, z.B. mehrere Arten von Zangen. Das Ergebnis: sehr viele gutgefüllte Müllsäcke.


Kjartan, Annika, Herman und Haixu, Grade 11

Environment Week – More action taken!

A bike ride to Ladenburg was one activity open to the H.I.S. Commuity during Environment Week. A group of students, teachers and parents set off after school on Tuesday. They stopped for a picnic and a game of cricket in Ladenburg and cycled back to H.I.S. afterwards.


Students, staff and parents walked, ran and cycled to school on Wednesday. On arrival at the front door all participants signed a footprint.


On Thursday a Dusk Walk from Weststadt to Gaisbergtower proved to be an exciting event for students, teachers and parents that took part. After a walk up a steep hill the group was rewarded by a fantastic view over Heidelberg and a picnic in the dark next to the Gaisbergtower. Although it started to rain everybody had a great time and students led the way back down to Weststadt. Anton, Grade 4: “This is was one of the best field trips ever!”



Where are they now # 2

Russell Canouse graduated from H.I.S in 2013.  Since then his life has been very busy.  He has been playing football full time for TSG 1899 Hoffenheim reserve team and lately has been training with the first team when they need a player to come up.

One cool thing that happened to Russell was in January this year, where he helped the USA National U20’s team qualify for the World Cup in New Zealand in summer. The qualification was in Jamaica and you can read about Russell’s U.S. team here


Currently Russell is in London to play with the U.S. U20’s team. They have two friendly games coming up, one against Tottenham Reserves (U21’s) and one against England U20’s. As Russell told us in a recent email “Soccer has been going well!”

Russell has also been mixing his football career with study, taking online courses at Drexel University.

We wish Russell all the best with his football, we’re sure he will continue his great success.  We’re so proud to have a champion footballer and a great guy, amongst the H.I.S. alumni.


Waldpiraten Bake Sale

As part of her Personal Project, Anna (Grade 10) sold cake and other baked goodies after school yesterday. Anna explained that her goal is to raise awareness for cancer and to inform about organisations that help cancer patients. Anna was supported by her parents and classmates yesterday. The money from her bake sale Anna wants to donate to the Waldpiraten Camp in Heidelberg. Congratulations Anna!

