The H.I.S. community celebrated the Personal Projects of Anna, Mikael and Nikki, who presented their projects to their classmates, teachers and parents in the library. The Grade 10 students can be very proud of their achievements. Anna’s goal was to raise awareness for cancer and to inform about organisations that support patients and their relatives, like the “Waldpiraten Camp” in Heidelberg.
Mikael had researched hydrogene generators. He built his own generator and demonstrated how it produces energy by splitting water into hydrogene and oxygene. Mikael’s goal was to find out how cars can use more environmently friendly fuel in the future.
Nikki, who moved to Washington D.C. while still working on her project, finished it nevertheless and sent it to H.I.S. She followed the presentation event on skype and was able to be “present” and answer questions of the audience.
Nikki’s goal was to promote open-mindedness. She had taken portraits of strangers and presented those to other people who then had to give their opinion about the portrayed individuals. Her display showed the “true” facts as well as the guessed information.
Congratulations to all 3 students and best of luck to them for their next projects.