Destination Imagination Teams Prepare for Tournament

Five D.I. teams have been working for months, solving their chosen challenge, learning how to work together, and creating props, scenery, costumes, and vehicles.  Three of our teams travel to London this weekend for the D.I. U.K. tournament, and all five teams will present their solutions on Wednesday evening for families and friends.  All are welcome to watch the presentations from 5:15 to 6:15 in the MPR on Wednesday.

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Navya builds her Detective Kit, which helps her “solve the mystery” in the Get a Clue challenge.

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Luci prepares her makeup for a “disco party.”  Her team set their mystery in the 1970s disco era. Lucas and Nathan work with their team manager, building an archway that their vehicle will drive through. Groovy Calla in costume for her team’s disco party mystery. Our brand-new Middle Years team takes a little break from rehearsal.

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Visiting the Heidelberg Blood Bank

On the 18th February, I visited the Heidelberg Blood Bank IKFZ with Mr Parkes. I had never donated blood before but I’d heard it can be important for people who need it during operations and emergency surgery following accidents. I couldn’t have donated blood before because I was under 18, but, having seen the blood centre in my home town every day on the way to school, I decided I’d like to donate too. I talked to my CAS Coordinator Mr Parkes about it and he was also interested to try it out.

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A Guide to Donating

First you register on the website: to make an appointment, then, when you get to the blood bank. The first thing they do is take a small blood sample (a drop of blood from your finger) to measure your iron levels. Then, if your iron levels are high enough, you are given some paperwork about your health to fill in.

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You then go over the paperwork with a doctor, who then decides if you qualify to donate blood. Unfortunately, Mr Parkes lived in England between 1980 and 1996 during the BSE (mad cow disease) epidemic and was not allowed to give blood. The doctor then checked my pulse, lungs and throat to make sure I was healthy and signed off my paperwork.

Before donating blood, make sure you have eaten and are hydrated enough so you won’t feel weak and woozy afterwards. The best thing about the blood centre is the free snacks and drinks, which I was instructed to takes full advantage of. After eating and drinking, you submit the paperwork and receive a tray of test tubes and a blood bag, which you take to the blood giving room.

Screen Shot 2016-02-29 at 10.16.48You then sit back, relax on the comfortable loungers and let the nurses do the rest. The actual blood donating didn’t hurt at all. It took about 15 minutes and you get a cold beverage if you are feeling at all woozy. The nurses monitor your blood pressure to make sure you feel all right.

I gave 500ml of blood.

I would definitely recommend it to others. I am open for any questions you may have. Oh, and by the way, for every donation of blood, you get 20 Euros which I really wasn’t expecting. However, it was a nice bonus! You can donate every 8 weeks if you wish and perhaps save a life.

text & photos: Kjartan, Grade 12

There is snow in the forest!!!

Early Primary students had another magical adventure in the forest.  Students were busy building shelters and snowmen, making up stories, tracking footprints in the snow and gathering pine cones.  The traditional drink of hot chocolate warmed the students before they arrived back at school.  image2[1]

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text & photos: KVG, AKE

Personal Project Presentation Evening 2016

After almost one year of work the students of Grade 10 are presenting their Personal Projects. Join us in celebrating their achievements.

Personal Project Presentation Evening

Thursday, 17 March, 7-9 pm, MPR

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Grade 5 Exhibition Workshop

Grade 5 students have started their preparations for the Exhibition this week. Students, parents, and Mrs. Clower from the library took part in a brainstorming activity to generate ideas for possible Exhibition topics at our workshop.


20160226_083822The workshop allowed everyone to have a clear idea of what to expect over the next few weeks. Interactive activities helped to engage our participants in an understanding of the process and time frame for the various stages. There was quite a buzz of excitement in the room and many of our parents expressed their appreciation of this workshop.



text: TC, photos: AS

World Read Aloud Day

H.I.S. celebrated World Read Aloud Day yesterday. Here are some samples of the great ideas our teachers used.Grade 5 participated in a readers theatre connected to their Ancient Civilizations Unit of Inquiry.  Grade 4 spent an entire period listening to their class book.  Grade 6 students read a special type of poetry written to be read aloud by two readers working together. IMG_0634Early Primary returned from their trip to the forest to spend time in the library listening to books read by grade 6, grade 7, and grade 9 students.

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Grade 1 connected their book characters to the IB Learner Profile.  Teacher Mrs. Neumann reports that students volunteered to read their books to their peers. They presented the books, set up reading corners and invited their classmates to join in listening. The rest of the children could decide what story they wanted to listen to.

There were great comments, such as Zoe: “I can read really good in my head, but now I know that I want to practice reading more aloud, so I can get better.”

and from Sam: “I was a risk-taker because I didn’t know all the words and wasn’t sure, but I tried it and was able to read the whole book aloud!”

Many students (and some staff!) participated in dressing up as a book or book character yesterday.  Contest winners will be announced in a separate blog post! In many classes, students did special read-aloud projects.

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We hope you celebrated World Read Aloud Day at home yesterday, and that you’ll continue reading aloud with your children EVERY DAY!

text & photos: PC

100 Days of School

Last week Grade 1 and EP celebrated the 100 Days of school. DSCN3029During a brainstorming session the students came up with great ideas on what to do on this long awaited day. DSCN4831Among their ideas were, to make 100 “Happy 100 Days of School “ cards and distribute them to 100 students at H.I.S.; roll dice, adding numbers until they reach 100; 100 hop-scotch cards; a celebration sign and collecting 100 objects. DSCN3057100 Days activities also included estimating, problem solving (such as how to divide our 100 cookies and 100 sweets fairly among
22students and 3 teachers ), various “word” work tasks and of course – crafting their “100 Days Smarter” head bands. The Grade 1 students visited EP, and the EP students visited Grade 1, to join in shared celebration.


photos & text: JN

Questions for Joseph

Do you have a question for Joseph in Mayana? Last April, H.I.S. welcomed and hosted Joseph Mbamba, a vision team member of MCP in Mayana, to the school. He had travelled to Germany as part of an MCP Project trip to bring first hand information, news and knowledge about the projects MCP supports in his hometown as well as more general information about Mayana and Namibia. Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 17.39.28In the last 12 months, life in Mayana has been extremely challenging for Joseph, his family, and the people around him. A severe drought has resulted in a well-below expected harvest leaving people starving. Thanks to your support, MCP has been able to provide some immediate relief and begin finding ways for a sustainable future to alleviate this problem in the long term. The MCP Working Group will be contacting Joseph in the coming weeks to send our greetings, ask how he is doing and to get some further information about how life is for him and the community in Mayana. Do you have a question? Is there something you’d like to know or a message you’d like to send? Add your questions to the notice board in the foyer, write them on a note and pass them to Mrs Parsons, or E-mail them to . Then… keep your eyes peeled for the replies in an article to be published in April.

text: HP