My name is Leon Kuehling and I am currently preparing to study in Germany. I spent the last 7 years in Canada going to school there and getting my high school degree. Before that I attended H.I.S. from grade 1 until grade 6. So I was pleasantly surprised when Mrs. Hoeck-Bühler approached me with the opportunity to help out with the Early Primary preschool classes. I spent the last 2 weeks with the children and had a very positive experience. It was great to see that, despite the school’s tremendous growth, the core principles that make the Heidelberg International School so special still exist. To me H.I.S. is similar to a big family, this was solidified when I arrived the 1st day and received a very warm welcome from all my old teachers, who I can now consider friends and mentors, but was also welcomed by new faces who were all very helpful and genuinely interested in who I was and why I had chosen to help out for these 2 weeks.
After a cup of coffee I was quickly directed to my classroom where I was simply instructed to just get to know the kids for the 1st day. The following weeks I had the opportunity to observe and assist within the classroom with various activities such as gardening, reading, writing and crafts or simply helping the kids build various different structures. I learned a lot about classroom dynamics and how to solve simple disputes between children which I believe will be very helpful in any career I should pursue. Overall I had a wonderful and positively exhausting time at Heidelberg International School and will definitely return to visit. I am thankful for the opportunity and am glad to have met and reconnected with so many intelligent and open minded individuals.
Best Regards,
Leon Kuehling
text: Leon Kuehling
photo: AS
H.I.S. will turn 15! And still doesn’t have a mascot yet! Therefore the Grade 5 students have started a „Design your mascot for H.I.S. – competition!
You have the entire summer time to think of a great idea and to send your design to: Make sure that you add your name and your grade to and why you think your design is the best!Deadline for this competition is : September, 9th 2015!
H.I.S. wird 15! Und hat immer noch kein Maskottchen! Das kann nicht sein! Mit diesem Wettbewerb für alle Schülerder H.I.S. kann dieses Problem gelöst werden! So geht es: Du malst ein Bild von einem Maskottchen für die H.I.S. Es sollte nicht größer als DIN A 4 sein! Du scannst es und schickst es an: Bitte schreibe unbedingt deinen Vor- und Nachnamen dazu und in welcher Klasse du bist.
Erkläre auch kurz dein Maskottchen und warum es das perfekte Maskottchen für die H.I.S. ist!
Deadline für diesen Wettbewerb ist natürlich der 9. September 2015– der Geburtstag der H.I.S. Mit ein bisschen Glück ist dein Bild unten den 3 besten Vorschlägen. Dann erhältst du einen Preis. Wenn du dir sehr viel Mühe gibst, dann bist du vielleicht der glückliche Gewinner. Dein Entwurf wird das H.I.S. Maskottchen und du bekommst einen 30 EUR Amazon Gutschein!
Die Jury (Student Council und Mrs. Macdonald) werden die Gewinner bekanntgeben. Viel Glück!
Sports Day turned out to be a big success with perfectly timed rain showers that occurred at the end of the event. Students engaged in various sports and games, some of them new (tug of war) and some of them designed by students of the Primary School.
Many thanks to all students, staff and parents that helped to run the Sports Day. Special thanks to the PE teachers John Knowles and Allyn Raw for organising the day.
text & photos: AS
MCP celebrates the 5th anniversary on the 21st June. Many thanks for your support! Pandu nene!
“Put your eyes on tomorrow and your feet on today!”
text, photo & clip: MCP
H.I.S. Yearbook – order now!
Relive the best moments of this school year. The latest edition of the yearbook will be in full colour with pictures of all H.I.S. students and staff. The Yearbook costs 14 euros and needs to be pre-ordered by Monday, 22 June. Please hand in the exact amount of money at the school office.
H.I.S. thanked all parents, staff and friends for their support, voluntary work and creative energy throughout this school year at the annual Thank You Coffee Morning.
photo: AS
Thomas joined H.I.S. in fourth Grade. Last January he moved to the US and started school in Washington DC. Starting halfway through a year in a new school is never easy but staying in an international environment helps a lot. Thomas was accepted really fast in his new environment and adapted well since then. Just this week he finished his middle school with an “8th Grade Moving Up Ceremony”. He is off to Upper School in September.
Of course leaving his friends behind was not easy for Thomas but one of the fun things of moving is that you get to see friends again that have moved before you and happen to live in your ‘area’.
text & photo: Olivia Lanning
Congratulations to Roberto and Kjartan who designed a Group 4 Project website with the support from their teacher Tim Clarke. Explore their site and find out all about “life on mars”.
text & photo: AS