H.I.S. Pizza Party

Heidelberg International School celebrates the beginning of the school year

The PTG (Parent Teacher Group) organised the annual Pizza Party at Heidelberg International School on Friday evening. The event is the first opportunity in the new school year for the H.I.S community to meet families new to the school, chat to staff members and have a good time. A big thank you to all parents, staff and students for serving pizza and drinks and for tidying up after the party.


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text & photos: AS


PTG Breakfast Club

The first breakfast of the year held by PTG Breakfast Club took place at Cafe Rossi last Thursday. It was great to see so many new families and returning families together. Over 40 participants enjoyed breakfast at Cafe Rossi. The next breakfast will be on Monday, September 21st, at Schwarzer Walfisch . All parents are welcome, please contact Dana Antonuccio for further info.


text & photos: Seden Dogansoysal

International Fun Fest

Heidelberg International School celebrates 15 years

A special anniversary will be celebrated at the International Fun Fest this year. H.I.S. turns 15! Join us for a morning full of exiting events and try our climbing wall, do sumo wrestling or enjoy a piece of birthday cake and celebrate with the H.I.S. community.

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See you there!