The world population has already reached 7 billion and is growing rapidly, as a result there are growing environmental and social crises.
Science is always at the forefront of innovation, ensuring that the earth has enough resources to continue to develop and sustain life on earth. Global citizens of this generation and the next should be taught about these issues and they will hopefully have the passion, energy and creativity to find and develop solutions to these crises.
In science, students were tasked with finding their passion, energy and creativity to create a video (no more than 60 seconds) about how the growth in population highlights one of the following global challenges: promoting environmental justice, strengthening Global health or re-imagining industrial systems. This project was inspired by the student video contest from the website
See one example of a clip made by students:
Using their research skills and working collaboratively (in teams) through this lockdown period students made connections between the growing population and their chosen social and environmental challenge. In small groups, they problem-solved, wrote, filmed and edited a video that highlighted their sustainable solution to their chosen global challenge.
It is hoped that through this project, they not only developed their skills in researching and working collaboratively but that they will also continue to be active and engaged as global citizens and know how they can make a difference to our world.