Habitat For Humanity

A team of grade 11 students at H.I.S. are fundraising for their trip to Poland for CAS, and they need your help! CAS is a program that all grade 11 and 12 students must take part in. They must undertake projects and activities in 3 areas: Creativity, Activity, and Service. In Poland, the grade 11s will be helping construct houses with the organisation “Habitat For Humanity”. This non-profit organisation builds homes all around the globe for those who live in poverty housing.

Grade 11 has constructed a model house, and classes and people can pay for parts of the house, e.g. roof tiles are 5 Euros. All donations received will be put towards the building costs in Poland later this year. The model house can be seen on display in the foyer at H.I.S. There, you will also find the donation forms and donations box.

You can also donate online at https://www.hfhd.de/helfen/eigene-spendenaktion/?cfd=xtn5n. If you tell us your name, we will write it on the roof tile, or other part, that you donate – in gold!

 Izzy, Grade 11

Helau! Alaaf! Fasching ist da!

Save the Date!On Thursday, February 8th will be the PYP Faschingsfeier!

Grade 5 wants to invite all PYP students to celebrate Fasching together. Everybody needs to wear a costume.

Here are the themes:

EP 1 and 2: Small Animals

Grade 1: Jungle (animals, plants etc.)

Grade 2:  What do you want to be when you grow up?

Grade 3: Weather

Grade 4: Clothes around the world

There will be a parade, games and a costume competition! Make your costumes creative, colourful and detailed. Parents are allowed to be there as well, but make sure that you come dressed up and please don’t take photos during the games.

Grade 5 is looking forward to hosting this year’s Faschingsfeier!


Isaac How – in behalf of Grade 5

Namaste – Let’s Do Yoga Together!

Csilla Staudinger, a trained “Yoga for children” teacher, came to our school to do short trial sessions with students from Grade 1 – 3. She wanted them to get an idea how the after school Yoga classes will be. Usually she starts of with a warming up game, followed by practicing Yoga asanas combined with breathing exercises and there will be some activities training mindfulness.The students were quite excited and expressed their interest to take part in Fr. Staudinger’s after school Yoga class starting after the February break.This is what some students said:

Sanpoorna (Grade 2): I liked it a lot. I had fun. We were playing a tag game with Yoga poses and we got a Mandala. I am going to do the Yoga ASAP.

Ishan (Grade 2): I liked playing the tag game at the beginning, because we were able to run around and do yoga at the same time.Ben (Grade 1): It was really fun. It made me do some exercises. All of it was fun.

James (Grade 1): It was good. It made me feel really calm. I would love to do the ASAP Yoga class.

Clara (Grade 1): Ich möchte auch anmelden zum Yoga. Es war richtig gut. John (Grade 3): I liked it, but I was sad that I didn’t get a stuffed animal.

Ann (Grade 3): I found the game we played fun. I liked the table yoga pose.

First Aid Course for Grade 7 & 8

Supported by their Science and PHE teachers students in Grade 7 and 8 practiced CPR in a first aid course today.

The Björn Steiger Foundation supplied H.I.S. with first aid equipment, which allowed the students to practice cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The students did a very good job practicing CPR and at the end of the sessions demonstrated confidently the knowledge they had gained.

Some of the questions students needed to answer before practicing CPR were:

What do you do first when you come upon an unconscious person?

How do you know an injured or unconscious person needs CPR?

What do you need to do before you call an ambulance?

How do you know that you are doing CPR correctly?

What does a defibrillator do?

Towards the end of the lesson Mr. Knowles and Mrs. Albenna demonstrated how to use a defibrillator. For this purpose H.I.S.  is equipped with training device.

At the end of the school year the students will have a follow up first aid lesson.

text & photos: AS

Parent Workshop: The Balanced Child

Lance Fortner, Sandra Hohenwarter and our guest speaker, Silke Krämer welcomed a large number of parents and teachers to the workshop on “The Balanced Child”.Silke Krämer, a trained reflex-integration therapist and child/youth coach, added very interesting information about the importance of a solid physical and social/emotional development in order to be successful in school and life.Please check out the next newsletter on Monday to read a short summary about today’s presentation.

Please mark the date for the next parent workshops from the Student Support Team:

February, 7th (during PTG coffee morning): Transitions Part II (Susan Hoeck – Buehler)

February, 23rd (Friday, 08.30 – 10.00): Executive Functions (Sandra Hohenwarter)

March, 23rd (Friday, 08.30 – 10.00): “My child is going through a difficult phase. What can I do?

(Guest speakers:  two psychologists working for AKJP in Heidelberg)


Text: SH

Almost Maine

M.A.D. Nights at H.I.S.

On the second M.A.D. Night Grade 9 performed “Almost Maine”. A huge “thank you” to all students and their supporters for the professional and highly entertaining performance.

Here are the students’ thoughts about their performance:

“It was the most amazing experience, the feeling backstage, everyone supporting and comforting each other was great. We didn’t  only perform a successful play but also grew closer as a class. Thank you Mrs. B for everything. We all enjoyed it and are looking forward to doing it again.”“It was great seeing al of our hard work coming together after many weeks of work.”

“I really enjoyed the play and I’m really proud of all the hard work we put into it.”

“At first I was nervous, but after being on stage all the nervousness left me. It’s an amazing feeling to be up there on stage with all the lights and sounds and everyone watching you. It makes you feel so powerful.”“Unfortunately I couldn’t be in the play but I can say that I am really proud. They did an amazing job. I got the job of informing the audience which  was an amazing experience. It was a great show.”“Overall it was an amazing experience! I loved every minute of it. If I could do that every day, then I’d be happy for a long time.” (Grade 11 backstage manager)

“The two groups of actors, Grade 7 and 9, did a wonderful job on their play. All that romance and comedy gave me butterflies in my stomach. While they were presenting I felt the second hand embarrassment. It was so well presented, it gave me a good feeling. It made me feel like I was in the play and I really enjoyed it.” (Grade 8 student)

“The play was amazing. I really love how realistic, funny and romantic it was. The short stories really touched me and it was just beyond amazing.”


comments: Grade 8, 9, 11; photos: AS


Visual Art Exhibition

M.A.D. Nights at H.I.S.

“Music”, “Art” and “Drama” are put together for 2 M.A.D. Nights at H.I.S. every school year. MYP students demonstrate their achievements in Performing and Visual Arts.On both nights, students, parents and staff had the chance to walk through an exhibition with art work produced by students in Grade 8 and Grade 10.

A lot of the artists were present at the exhibition and explained the ideas behind their work and the techniques applied to produce the work.

Here are comments from some of the artists:

“It was fun to present our work, all of the people who came to see it wer supportive and interested.”

“I really enjoyed the process of making the artwork, so getting compliments and feedback for the art makes it even more worth it.”



“While presenting our art work, it made me feel so proud because everyone praised us and said it was amazing and it made it feel like all that frustration was worth it.”

Congratulations to all artists and their Art teacher for their achievements.

text & photos: AS


A Midsummer Night’s Dream

M.A.D. Nights at H.I.S.

As part of their Performing Arts Course the students of Grade 7 put Shakespeare’s play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” on stage.

The students succeeded in enchanting everybody present by taking their audience onto a journey into the world of “Oberon” and “Titania”.

Here are some thoughts from the students about their performance:

“Our experience was really wonderful as the teachers motivated us every time we felt nervous or messed up. But on the last day we started of nervous and by the end of the show we were relieved and we also managed to impress our large audience.”

“I thought the day was fun and exciting. It felt good to have this experience. It was kind of intimidating to see the amount of people sitting in the audience.”

“The hardest part was to act like the character and to learn lines and queues. We weren’t perfect in the play. But the play was good and that satisfied me.”

“I think it was a really good experience and this helped me to be less afraid of things. It was really fun.”

“There were a lot of mistakes, but I think we did a good job of hiding these.”

“The play was very stressful to perform in front of this large audience. I could feel myself shaking on stage! Despite all the stress it was an incredible performance that we put on together and I had a ton of fun acting in it.”

“MAD Nights was good and scary. We had a ruff time learning lines but it was fun. The whole class had a chance to work all together. Everyone was nervous about going on stage but in the end the play was successful.”

“I thought it was stressful at first but after my first scene because it went well I had more assurance for the next scenes. Also on the day of the play everyone was being nice to each other and this definitely helped our performance.”

“We could never make the play perfect because in every rehearsal each of us made at least one mistake. However, the good part is that the audience did not notice mistakes.”

“The night of the performance was crazy. We had so much to work out. People were having minor break downs but everyone was there for each other. You could tell that all our hard work paid off on the night. There were some mistakes but everyone pulled through and no-one noticed. I think we did and amazing job.”


comments: Grade 7 – text & photos: AS