As part of their Performing Arts Course the students of Grade 7 put Shakespeare’s play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” on stage.
The students succeeded in enchanting everybody present by taking their audience onto a journey into the world of “Oberon” and “Titania”.
Here are some thoughts from the students about their performance:
“Our experience was really wonderful as the teachers motivated us every time we felt nervous or messed up. But on the last day we started of nervous and by the end of the show we were relieved and we also managed to impress our large audience.”
“I thought the day was fun and exciting. It felt good to have this experience. It was kind of intimidating to see the amount of people sitting in the audience.”
“The hardest part was to act like the character and to learn lines and queues. We weren’t perfect in the play. But the play was good and that satisfied me.”
“I think it was a really good experience and this helped me to be less afraid of things. It was really fun.”
“There were a lot of mistakes, but I think we did a good job of hiding these.”
“The play was very stressful to perform in front of this large audience. I could feel myself shaking on stage! Despite all the stress it was an incredible performance that we put on together and I had a ton of fun acting in it.”
“MAD Nights was good and scary. We had a ruff time learning lines but it was fun. The whole class had a chance to work all together. Everyone was nervous about going on stage but in the end the play was successful.”
“I thought it was stressful at first but after my first scene because it went well I had more assurance for the next scenes. Also on the day of the play everyone was being nice to each other and this definitely helped our performance.”
“We could never make the play perfect because in every rehearsal each of us made at least one mistake. However, the good part is that the audience did not notice mistakes.”
“The night of the performance was crazy. We had so much to work out. People were having minor break downs but everyone was there for each other. You could tell that all our hard work paid off on the night. There were some mistakes but everyone pulled through and no-one noticed. I think we did and amazing job.”
comments: Grade 7 – text & photos: AS