Human Rights Project – Student Reflection

Human Rights Still On the Agenda

At the beginning of April, we received thanks from the Intercultural Centre for our work on the Human Rights’ Exhibition last month. As we approached the Spring Break, it seemed a good time to reflect on all the work that went into this event. Zara, Grade 7, was at the presentation evening and wrote the following reflection. In it she mentions that one is never too young to begin raising awareness and learn. As PYP took to the garden as part of environment week, it was great to see this in all aspects of our school life. Here is what Zara had to say:

“I went to the Interkulturelles Zentrum in Heidelberg with some other students and a few teachers for a ceremony about the Human Rights Project. The ceremony was very interesting as I met a few important people including Ismail Tipi and the Bürgermeister for the environment. We went up to the front and Frau Kress and Ishikaa spoke about what we did for the Human Rights exhibition. We received a check of 1000 Euro and a certificate for taking part in the Human Rights exhibition. We were one of the eight schools who took part in this exhibition, and there was even a primary school who took part. I enjoyed listening to all the different way the schools portrayed this vast topic. I mostly enjoyed the presentation done by the primary school as it was interesting, and it showed no matter how young you are it is never too early to begin raising awareness and learn.

Am Donnerstag, den 14. März, war ich mit einigen anderen Schülern, zwei Lehrerinnen und Mrs. Macdonald im Interkulturellen Zentrum in Heidelberg. Wir besuchten eine Veranstaltung anlässlich der Urkundenverleihung der Aktion: Schule für Menschenrechte. Die Zeremonie war sehr interessant, da ich ein paar wichtige Leute gesehen habe, darunter den hessischen Politiker Ismail Tipi und den Bürgermeister Herrn Wolfgang Erichson. Wir gingen nach vorne und Frau Kress und Ishikaa sprachen darüber, was wir für die Menschenrechtsausstellung gemacht hatten. Für die Teilnahme an der Menschenrechtsausstellung erhielten wir einen Check von 1.000 Euro und ein Zertifikat für die Teilnahme an der Ausstellung. Wir waren eine der acht Heidelberger Schulen, die an dieser Ausstellung teilgenommen haben und darunter gab es sogar eine Grundschule, die Kurpfalsschule Heidelberg. Ich habe es sehr genossen zu hören, wie die Schulen dieses große Thema dargestellt haben. Am meisten hat mir die Präsentation der Grundschule gefallen, weil sie interessant war. Sie zeigte auch, dass es egal ist, wie jung oder wie alt man ist: Man kann immer die Aufmerksamkeit auf wichtige Themen richten um mehr zu lernen.

text: HP & Zara 

Welcome back!

Flowers, planted by the students outside their classrooms on the playground, were a welcoming sight during break time today. We hope all students, their families and staff have enjoyed a fantastic Spring Break. There are a number of events, curricular and extra curricular, to look forward to in the last two months of school this school year.

We wish everybody a good start into this week.

A special welcome to our students in Grade 12. We wish you the best of luck with your IB exams!

text & photos AS


Social Media

I regularly speak with students about social media because it is the primary way that many of us connect with each other.  With all forms of communication, there are responsibilities that help people of all ages understand the necessary boundaries. Because social media communication is not face-to-face, a person may feel emboldened to write something that they normally would not say to someone’s face. The article (see link below) speaks about the ways one can deal with those who cross that boundary. I empower all our parents to discuss these options with their children in order to foster resilience and knowledge of the options that exist for those mistreated on Instagram and other social media platforms.

Lance Fortner, H.I.S. Whole School Counsellor

MCP Fair 2019

The MPR was filled with students attending and helping at the MCP Fair earlier in March. PYP students experienced millet grinding, cooking, head scarf tying, dance, puzzles, water carrying and more. The aim of the fair was for students to learn about life in Mayana, Namibia, the small village supported by the organisation Make Change Possible (MCP). It was also a fundraiser, and we are happy to report that 470 Euros were raised.

MYP students played an important role, volunteering at different stations and the cake sale table. DP students Inigo, Janne, Kyra and Pritha were all actively involved in the Working Group, helping to plan the event and ensure it was a success.

Many thanks to all those who took part and supported. After the break, there will be more information about the up-and-coming Flea Market to be held on May 25th – keep it in mind if you’re having a clean out this Spring break!

text & photos HP

Gut gemessen ist halb gewonnen!

Immer schneller und weiter – Students in Grade 6, 7 and 8 attended a Sport and Technique Workshop and Exhibition at the Technoseum in Mannheim.

During the workshop students took part in practical sports activities learning different ways of measuring sporting performance.  They then had to use their Math skills to calculate average scores and draw graphs.

In the exhibition, the students saw several exhibits and learned a little bit about the history of sports measurement and took part in some interactive activities measuring their sporting performance.

Well Done everybody!

 Mr Knowles

Former H.I.S. Student Headed Back to Mayana

We had some news from Christian, a former H.I.S. student. His family left the school at the end of last year to move back to the US.

During their time at H.I.S., the family travelled to Mayana, as part of an MCP (Make Change Possible) Friends Trip. Christian will be going back to Mayana this summer. He wrote to share the following with us:

“Hello from Christian – I was a student at H.I.S and moved back to the USA last summer. Notice the frozen Lake Michigan behind me! This upcoming summer I am going on the Make Change Possible  trip to Mayana, Namibia. While I am there I will be helping the local MCP team with using computers, I am also going to help the local school with their computers.”
