Thomas was elected as Student Council representative for next year’s G11. Thomas is taking over from Alexander, who represented Grade 10 this school year. Our thanks go to both students for volunteering to take on this responsibility.
photo: WL
In Early Primary, some of the students have decided that instead of receiving gifts from their friends that they would like money to donate to an organisation.So far this year, Liz and Blanca donated to Waldpiraten, Tatum donated to Touching Tiny Lives. Recently Drew and Gianna wanted to support Katherine in Grade 5 with her project and donated to Obdach e.V. homeless shelter in Heidelberg. All of these donations have been greatly received.
text & photos: NC
Our Grade 12 class may have been small in number but they’ve made a big impression on the whole school. Our congratulations go to Anna, Louna, Sarah, Robin & Mikael on their graduation.Our graduation ceremony had a number of “firsts” this year. Our graduates hinted at a interest in Star Wars as they entered the ceremony to the sound of the Imperial March. We had donuts delivered to the graduates during an original and inspiring commencement address delivered by William Ledbetter.And we had a four-legged guest in the form of Archie the spaniel. Thanks go out to all the people who made the ceremony a success especially Jade Karali for all the the preparations and arrangements, Birgit Kress for hosting, Kathleen Macdonald and Allyn Raw for presenting and William Ledbetter for his commencement address.
Thanks also go to all the family, friends and school staff who attended. It was wonderful to see the large number of students from other grade levels who attended the ceremony, especially an impressive group of Grade 11 students.
It was also great to have a number of past students attend, JoAnn, Roberto, Haixu and Herman – we loved catching up with them, hearing stories of their experiences at university.
Congratulations to Sarah for receiving the Academic Achievement Award, and to all our graduates, we will miss the Class of 2017 as they embark on the next stage of their lives. We look forward to seeing them again soon.
text: KW, photos: AS
The Grade 5 Exhibition evening was a wonderful event. Twelve (or more) languages were used when the students gave their introductions. They skillfully used I.T. when making their presentations and communicated with confidence and passion. They shared their knowledge, talked about the action they had done or are doing, engaged their audiences really well, and in some cases, encouraged them to take action. Here is a selection of quotes taken from the students’ written reflections following the Exhibition:
“I had a fair amount of research. I managed to get a good presentation out of my research that I did……… because I already knew a little bit about screen time and I wanted to learn more.”
– Coco Babel
“You are very nervous at the beginning. However, during and after you find it very fun. That was exactly how I felt during the exhibition night.”
“I chose Energy-Efficient Architecture…. because I thought it would be interesting to learn more about energy. I really like presenting.”
– Luka Savchuk
“I feel that the exhibition was a good experience for me because of all the things I learnt along the way (not 0nly the info about engineering but also the experience that I took with me.”
“I would like to say thank you to Ms. Williams for being a great mentor and helping me throughout the exhibition. I would also like to say thank you to Mr. Cooper for helping me in the first couple of weeks. I say that this was the best unit in fifth grade and I think that I will continue to say that for the rest of the year and other years too.”
“I was really, really, really excited because I had never really spoken in front of so many people and I was frightened that something terrible would happen.
But at the end everything turned out well.”
“This unit has been fantastic. The research was hard but in the end, I was very proud of my work because I didn’t think that I would get it all done on time.”
“I got to design my own blog, got to research about things I really wanted to, and had some fun interviews, surveys and fieldtrips.”
“In the exhibition we had a lot of fun because we got to choose the topic we were interested in. I was interested in food and why everyone needs it… my lines of inquiry looked at reasons why people don’t have enough food and choice.”
text: MB, Grade 5 photos: AS
Help the endangered Gorillas. Come and help the Grade 7 students raise money during the event!
Thank you to all who helped to make the flea market a big success. The final total is still outstanding as a few stand donations came in today or were clarified, but it looks like we will be able to pass on a donation over 800 euros to MCP in addition to some personal donations from stands. Some thank-you’s:
Thank you to the grade 11 students, who were great examples of tireless, dependable volunteers, from moving tables to jumping in and improvising when instructions were’t clear.
Thank you to the incredible advertising before the event, Lisbeth and Betsy, who really got the word out to so many more places this year. And Lillian for spreading the work at PHV.
Thank you to Mollie and Lillian, who filled so many gaps in the tasks on Saturday, from the refreshment stand to clean up. And to all the other parents who carried tables and did general clean up at the end.
Thank you to the staff at H.I.S. who helped by being there on the day, coming early to set up or staying late to finish up or who were patient with our use of their classroom tables.
And another big thank you to Betsy for all the little bits she added, from extra posters, decoration ideas, bringing aluminium foil, etc., to the grade 7 project with the huge clean up needed afterward. The flea market was better because of her work.
What a day last Saturday: I saw great team work between the kids, massive commitment to the cause. And THANK YOU to Betsy for the hard consistent work she made. Spending time covering the city with H.I.S. Flea Market posters. She sacrificed a lot of her family time for us. Thanks again to everybody.
I just wanted to say that the 7th graders had a great turnout of volunteers on Saturday. They worked together as a team, practiced their German, used great selling skills. Many people commented on what a great job they did. Many of the parents showed up as well. Thanks to all of you who donated items, helped set up, and clean up! You were amazing and so supportive. I think the kids had a great day. Mr. Knowles…you can be really proud of the class, they did a great job!
photos: J.P.Hibler, NP texts: JVG, Laura, Betsy
On Tuesday, May 9th, I did an after school cooking class for my Exhibition topic: The importance of learning how to cook for life.
I chose this form of action, so that students could learn something that they could take home and use later in their life. The activity itself was a blast!
The process took longer than I thought, but in the end, we finished the dish and it was delicious.
See more about my project and get delicious recipes on my website:
Karlin, Grade 5
Last week grade 2 visited the Fire Department in Wieblingen. We wanted to find out how the firemen work together. Two firemen showed us around and explained everything. It was great fun!“Ich habe gelernt, welche Nummer du anrufen musst, um mit der Feuerwehr zu sprechen. Es ist 112.” “Wir sind mit den Miniautos gefahren und wir durften eine Runde fahren. Ich war erster, Arata war zweiter und Ziad war vierter.”“Nicht alle Feuerwehrmänner haben einen Piepser, aber die Freiwillige Feuerwehr. Warum? Sie haben ihn, da sie noch einen anderen Beruf haben und wenn ein Feuer ist, können sie so schnell gerufen werden.”
“Ich halte den Feuerwehrschlauch und ich habe 14 Liter in den Eimer spritzen können Das war sehr schwer.”“Ich habe gelernt, dass es auch eine Kinderfeuerwehr gibt. In Heidelberg gibt es ungefähr 500 Feuerwehrleute, davon arbeiten 100 bei der Berufsfeuerwehr. Die restlichen 400 Feuerwehrleute arbeiten bei der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr ehrenamtlich, also ohne Geld zu bekommen.”“Ich weiß jetzt, warum die Feuerwehrleute manchmal einen oder zwei Streifen auf ihrem Helm habe.”
text & photos: SST
Am 2. Mai machten die Schüler der 5. Klasse zusammen mit ihren Deutschlehrerinnen einen Ausflug in die Altstadt und an den Neckar in Heidelberg.Die Schüler der AGP Klasse hatten im Unterricht Sagen gelesen und bearbeitet und sollten an dem Tag diese Sagen den Schülern der anderen Gruppe präsentieren.
Das Ziel war, dass die Schüler der GAL Gruppe die Sagen verstehen, mehr über Sagen lernen und mehr über Heidelberg erfahren. Dazu wurden ihnen nach den Präsentationen Fragen gestellt, die sie beantworten mussten.
Die Präsentationen fanden an den Orten statt, um die es in der Sage ging. Die Präsentationen waren sehr kreativ: Von Kurzpräsentationen, einem 1- Frau- Theaterstück und Rollenspiel mit Wassergeistern war vieles vertreten.
Alle Schüler hatten sehr viel Spaß und hoffentlich kennen die Schüler Sagen in und um Heidelberg!
C.C. & G.G.D