Schultüten for Early Primary Students

Grade 4 Action

In PYP, taking action doesn’t just mean implementing new ideas to help the HIS community or the global community.

Taking action can also mean passing on already existing traditions. This year, our Grade 4 students wanted to bring a German tradition to our school.

To do this, they chose the tradition of handing over a „Schultüte“ to all students entering 1st grade after the summer break.

The tradition of the „Schultüte“ goes back to the 19th century and is still very much alive today. The content of the „Schultüte“ is supposed to sweeten the 1st day of Grade 1. This tradition is also a right of passage to move from Kindergarten into school.

The Grade 4 students not only handed over the „Schultüten“ to our EP 2 students, but they will also keep an eye on their “friends“ when the EP 2 students will be in Grade 1 after the summer holidays.


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