Grade 1 Explores “The Parts of Art” in Mannheim

DSCN3873First, the G1 students visited the Schnawwl Youth Theater in Mannheim, to watch the non-verbal musical drama – “Die Konigin der Farben” (The Queen of Colors).DSCN3843

The G1 students were mesmerized as Malwida, the queen of colors slowly enters in robes of white. She calls out to her colors and the music begins. Malwida enjoys each color individually. The problems arise when Malwida attempts to mold each color to her desire, and force them to work together.

At the end of this emotionally intense performance, Malwida shows great leadership as she demonstrates through patience, fairness, perseverance and open-mindedness, that the beauty created by acceptance and unity is the “fairest” of them all!DSCN3893After this magnificent performance, we walk to the Water Tower Park. Along the way we found lots of art, (paintings, sculptures and carvings) on buildings, streets and pavements. At the park, the children enjoyed a picnic lunch as well as free time to run and play with their classmates. Finally we explore the park for public art as well as the amazing symmetrical concept on which the park was built.  

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text & photos: JN 

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