Movie Night For All Students!

The Parent Teacher Group is organising a Movie Night for all students. The Movie for Primary School Students will be shown in the MPR. At the same time the movie for Secondary Students will be shown in the Hedgehog Hall. Tickets will be on sale next Monday after school.

H.I.S. MAD Nights 2019

Watch MYP students perform their version of “The Curious Incident” and walk through the MYP Visual Art Exhibtion. We will have two evenings of “MAD” performances next week.

Get Your Running Shoes On!

Get down to Edingen on Saturday the 7th July for a run through the fields for the ‘TV Edingen Sommerlauf’.


There are events for all ages and abilities starting from the 800m Bambini’s up to the 10km main event. There’s free ice cream for all children who enter a race and prizes available for each age category.

Registration is through one of the following links: Registration BR-timing Edingen  (click top right of the screen for registration in English)

The 10km distance is the final race of the ‘Unterer Neckar’ Running Trophy, which will be presented after the race.

 If you need help with the registration or have further questions please contact me directly at


Allyn Raw

Deputy Director

TV Edingen Representative

H.I.S. T-Shirt Special Edition: Habitat For Humanities

Limited Edition of H.I.S. T-Shirt

Buy your T-Shirt for 20 Euros and support Habitat For Humanities!

SALE: 25th- 26th June (limited amount of T-Shirts)

All the students of H.I.S. drew a picture of their house that was put onto our school logo. Now you have the chance to purchase the shirt with this unique design on it!

Proceeds will be going towards funding the Habitat For Humanity trip. Some grade 11 students are currently on this trip, and are building a house for a family in need.