H.I.S. Graduate Off To Trinity College Dublin

We love to hear from H.I.S. Alumni about their further journey following their time at H.I.S.

Congratulations to Lucia (Class of 2024) for being accepted to her first choice College.

“I’m excited to share that I’ve been accepted to Trinity College Dublin! This has been my top choice, and I’m thrilled about this opportunity.”

Lucia thanks her H.I.S. College Counsellor:  “Thank you for your support and guidance throughout the application process. I truly appreciate all your help in making this possible.”

We wish Lucia all the best for her studies at Trinity College. Have a great time in Ireland!




Summer Visitors

H.I.S. Alumni

It was a joy to see Sunhoo and Nahoo and their parents during Summer Break. Sunhoo and Nahoo attended H.I.S. for 2 years and left to move back to South Korea in 2020 when they were in EP 2 and Grade 3. Both boys and their parents have fond memories of their H.I.S. experience and enjoyed re-visiting the monkey garden on the playground.

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Congratulations to the Class of 2024!

We are very pleased to announce that our IB Diploma results for May 2024 have exceeded our expectations.

Our students’ dedication and hard work have paid off, with impressive scores that reflect their commitment to academic excellence. This year, our average score is 35, compared to the global average of 30. This is the highest average of any cohort in H.I.S. history.

Further, more than a third of our DP students have been awarded a bilingual diploma, and over a quarter of our students scored 40 points or higher. In fact, two students tied for the highest score ever achieved at H.I.S.: 43 points. Adding to the list of superlatives achieved by the Class of 2024, more top scores in Theory of Knowledge and Extended Essay were awarded to this cohort than to any other in the history of H.I.S.

Olli-Pekka Heinonen, Director General of the International Baccalaureate, said: “It is always an honour to congratulate IB graduates on all their achievements, and this year their results are nothing short of praiseworthy. From the beginning, the IB has been providing an international, holistic education to inspire future leaders and peace builders. This cohort has demonstrated this commitment, and I am delighted to see so many of them moving confidently on to the next chapter of their lives equipped with the future-ready skills and compassion that define IB learners.”


Healthy Relationships

This spring the Grade 9s spent many lessons recognising the 10 signs of a Healthy Relationships. Students were challenged to think of creative ways to promote this topic throughout the H.I.S. building.

Following the Guiding Principles of our school and the IB Learner Profile, our students created posters that helped bring awareness to what makes our relationships work; when our time together is built on trust, understanding and empathy.

Thank you Grade 9 for helping us all appreciate the value of healthy relationships in every stage of life and contributing to a message that is built on our core values.


Science Theatre Project Performance

We are thrilled to invite you to the culminating performance of our After-School Science Theatre Project, led by Dr. Veli Vural Uslu.

Dr Uslu and his team are working on a research project to explore the possibility of farming on other planets (space farming) and they have made some exciting discoveries. Our students worked with Dr. Uslu to develop a performance based on their finding.

The  performance will take place at the Deutsch-Amerikanische Institut Heidelberg (DAI) onThursday,  July 4th at 20:00. This event will attract a wide audience, including members of the scientific community, offering our students a unique opportunity to showcase their work on a larger stage.

We are incredibly proud of our students for their dedication and creativity throughout this one-of-a-kind workshop. Their hard work and enthusiasm have culminated in a performance that promises to be both entertaining and educational.

We warmly invite you to join us for this special showcase and celebrate the achievements of our young scientists and actors.


Staff Appreciation Brunch

A big thank you to our parent community

What a sweet (& savoury) surprise it was to see the staff room transformed into a cosy dining room with a generous buffet today.

A huge thank you to all parents, and especially to those who walked the stairs countless times to bring all the wonderful goodies to their destination.



Thank You Coffee

The final coffee morning of the school year was dedicated to our wonderful parent community. We thank the PTG (Parent Teacher Group) as well as the CVCs (Classroom Volunteer Coordinators) for their valuable contributions towards a successful school year.

We also thank all parents for their support of the school and for the teamwork between home and school that is key to making school the best experience for the students. Enjoy the final weeks of the school year 2023-24 and have a wonderful Summer Break.



Graduation Ceremony

Congratulations to the Class of 2024

It was a joy to witness how well and confidently our Graduates presented themselves at the Graduation Ceremony to the H.I.S. community.

During a wonderful, emotional and colourful celebration at Schlosshotel Molkenkur, the Graduates received their H.I.S. Diplomas and celebrated completing the IB Diploma with their families and H.I.S. staff.

It was impressive to hear what plans the students have made for their future. May the wind beneath your wings carry you to your next adventure. Congratulations Class of 2024.