Apart from some landings on faces or on wrong legs, apart from being dragged on your back or on your stomach across wet and muddy fields by what some students called “the scary rope”, apart from being blown away by the wind resulting in some unintended acrobatic flights, apart from all this, we all had a great time and managed to pull our feet off the ground for some time.
It was a very nice experience to be working together to master these big paragliders, sorting out lines of different colours, packing the paragliders back in their bags and yes, going back up the slope with your paraglider on your shoulders after you have done your flight. There was great team spirit; everyone supporting one another as we all felt responsible for each other’s security.
Treasure hunting, some balancing games, a barbecue in the dark and The Matrix accompanied by some pizza rounded up the week.
Guillermo Jimenez
photos & text: WL, GJ
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