H.I.S. Hedgehogs & FIS Warriors enjoy Volleyball Fixture

20160524_150330H.I.S. students welcomed Frankfurt International School students to a Volleyball game yesterday.  Students from Grades 6-8 had been practicing their Volleyball skills in their PHE lessons and were chosen to represent the school in the fixture.

The boy’s team and the Girl’s team both won their games and performed really well as a team.  

The scores were:

Boy’s (Grades 6-8): Set 1: HIS 25: FIS 10, Set 2: HIS 25: FIS 13

Girl’s (Grades 6-8): Set 1: HIS 25: FIS 9, Set 2: HIS 25: FIS 20

It was great that the two schools had this game and we look forward to continuing Sports Fixtures together in the future.  Well done to all of the students who played and a big thank you to Mr Knowles for organising the event.


text: JK, photos: AS



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