In January, H.I.S. introduced students to our most recent ManageBac integration, BridgeU, a total university and careers guidance platform for global schools.
Students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 began using the platform, with grades 11 and 12 looking for university matches and grades 9 and 10 assessing their strengths and interests to identify career possibilities.
Since the initial roll-out of BridgeU with William Ledbetter, Lance Fortner, and Homeroom teachers, students in grades 9 and 10 have had further guided sessions; grade 9 and 10 students have worked to identify career possibilities, and students in grade 10 have looked at country requirements for university placement with regard to the upcoming selection of their Diploma Programme courses.
Students in grades 11 and 12 continue to work asynchronously on university selection and applications, respectively. Our goal is to make a difference in our students’ progression toward post-secondary education.
text: WL
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