SAP Young Thinkers For A Day

Grade 9 & 10 Field Trip

Snap! was the lesson of the day for Grade 9 and 10 on Monday. The students travelled to SAP in Walldorf with their Design Teacher Frau Schwehm.A guided tour through the “Inspiration Pavillion” was the start of the day for the students. They were then welcomed by Grzegorz from the “Young Thinkers” programme who lead a Snap! workshop for the students.

Snap! is a programming language that can be used to write computer programs. The students created scripts for computer games.

Grzegorz and his colleague supported each student team individually.At the end of the workshop all teams presented the result of their programming.  Back in their own classroom the students gave feedback about their day at SAP:

I enjoyed having professional support for the programming practice.

The workshop could have been longer. I would love to go again and stay for a whole day.

I would like to know more about the differences between “Scratch” and “Snap!”. We should do workshops like this one more often.

I thought it was interesting to see how the TSG Hoffenheim Football Players use technology to support their training sessions.

I thought the SAP timeline in the Inspiration Pavilion was interesting. I learned a lot of facts about SAP.

The football stadium seats with sensors, were and interesting project.

The workshop was really good.

I enjoyed the guided tour, the amount of  information presented was just right.

Many thanks to Christiane Bauer and Grzegorz from SAP and Frau Schwehm for organising the Workshop and Field Trip for Grade 9 and 10 at very short notice.

text: Giulio, Mercy, Michael, Nahila, Tyra-Ashley, AS

photos: AS


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