On Thursday 21st February, the Grade 10 students presented their personal projects to the H.I.S. community. We would like to thank everyone who attended and hope that you enjoyed the evening and had a chance to see the presentations that covered a variety of topics.
The event celebrated the end of a journey for the Grade 10 students and was an opportunity for them to demonstrate their achievements. It was a great opportunity to see some of the products the students created as well as talk to the students individually about their projects. It also provided some ideas and inspiration for Grade 9 students who will start their introduction to the Personal Projects later on this year.
The projects included presentations on a wide variety of subjects including GERD, Autism, creation of business plans, advertising, the economics behind holding a FIFA world cup, expressing ourselves through facial expressions, healthy cooking, language learning, methodologies, how to make a successful cartoon, Artificial Intelligence and using a triptych to display three elements that are related and complement each other.
On the following day, Friday 22nd February, the Grade 10 students presented their projects to Grades 3 – 5 in the PYP as they were invited to come and see what the students had achieved. This again provided a little inspiration for the Grade 5’s as they have just started working on their exhibition.
text: SAB; photos: AS
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