“Kleider machen Leute”

The German Language and Literature students visited an inspiring and hilarious performance of „Kleider machen Leute“ at the Heidelberg Zwinger Theatre in April.

The play was an adapted version of the novel by Gottfried Keller that the students studied in class. Watching the play on stage was a great opportunity to deepen the understanding of the novel and to gain new insights through a modern production. We all had a fun time!

Reading some student comments below, it is obvious that next to the theatre visit some stops along the Hauptstraße on the way to the Zwinger were also very important and a nice-to-have. Many thanks to our Performing Arts teacher for chaperoning the trip.


The play was very well scripted and interactive as well. It was about a poor man named Wenzel Strapinski, who was mistaken for a rich nobleman. The characters portrayed each character flawlessly, in which they switched clothes to match their personalities.

It incorporated the audience by gesturing at them, shaking his hand and even laughing together. They wildly portrayed their emotions, happily dancing, anger, shock and sadness. Even true love! The best part was when Wenzel Strapinski stretched his hand out to our German teacher.


Today we went to the theatre with the tram. We made a quick stop at Ditch to get pizza. Once we arrived at the theatre, we saw that there were many different classes from other schools and they were pretty loud. The play was fun to watch and we especially liked the dancing, the costumes and the details. Some of the characters were weird, for example Wenzel Strapinski. There was too much kissing and was pretty long.

Hannah, Stella & Hanna

Before we left, everyone was very excited. Then we went on the tram and drove to Bismarckplatz and walked down the Hauptstraße and stopped at a bakery where we got a mini pizza.

After that we walked to the Zwinger Theater where the play started with the actors trying to find the best actor playing a person feeling cold and hopeless. The play was very interesting and funny.

After the play we walked back and stopped at an American candy shop which was very expensive, after that we stopped again at the bakery and some of us ate another pizza. Everyone was very sad to go back because we still had a Spanish test. But the play was interesting. We want to thank our German Teacher for making this possible.

Philipp & Aiden

The play was getting long at the end but was very fun. The actors danced and their face expressions were very good.




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