Jam Festival

Grade 1 students were busy last week as they hosted a Jam Festival at the end of the day on Friday.

We have been learning about Producers and Consumers, and after a trip to the Schlicksupp Gemüsebau Farm, to see where so many fruits and vegetables are produced, we decided to be consumers, buy tubs of locally grown strawberries and create our own home-made jam, which we then sold, along with jam filled cupcakes and cookies.

We also made clay pendants to sell too! It was so much fun getting to be producers AND consumers. There are so many decisions that need to be made when being a thoughtful consumer.

We managed to raise 310 Euro which we are donating to help the Ukrainian Refugees in Heidelberg.

Awesome job Grade 1!


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2 thoughts on “Jam Festival

  1. Great job Grade 1! Thank you for your donation to help Ukrainian families! I really enjoyed visiting your class today to hear about how you raised money with your Jam Sale! Keep up the good work! Alicia on behalf of the PTG