How fast can a pile of wood chips be shifted?

H.I.S. Playground Project

Very fast indeed when there are so many volunteers of all ages to help! In two shifts students, parents and staff members joined forces to work on the playground on Saturday. Under the guidance of Naturspur a “mountain” of wood chips was moved onto the playground to cover the ground under the basket swing. Wheelbarrows, buckets and baskets – whatever container was available was used to transport wood chips onto the playground. The monkey garden area was refilled with a new layer of gravel and bark was stripped of the tree trunks used for building. Work was also done to prepare the ground of the trim trail area beside the multi sports court. Thanks to the PTG there was coffee and delicious muffins for breakfast and Pizza (lecker!) for lunch. Many thanks to the numerous volunteers for their enthusiasm. “Dankeschön” also to Tanja and Ruben from Naturspur for their guidance and support on Saturday.

photos: AL

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