Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

We recently celebrated the first cohort of H.I.S. students who took part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. They received their certificates and silver pin in honour of their achievements in  a secondary assembly just before the Spring Break. Congratulations to our eight Grade 11 students.

Over this year the current Grade 10 students have participated in a several hikes to improve their fitness and prepare them for their weekend expedition.  This weekend will see the last of the day hikes for the students in preparation for their first overnight expedition next weekend.  Students have had numerous training sessions over the year including a camp craft workshop and a First Aid course which all support them in completing the expedition part of the DoE Award scheme.

During the expedition, students are expected to walk 12-14 km per day carrying all the equipment they require for camping. This includes the tent, sleeping bags and mats as well as their food and the cooker (Trangia) that they must use to cook a hot meal for breakfast and dinner each day.  Students will have planned their routes and their menus in advance in their groups.

We wish the students the best of luck over the next few weekends and hope that the weather remains warm and dry.


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