Abel & Jaro #2

As promised, Abel and Jaro have provided recent pictures. Jaro is currently in New York studying at NYU Stern. Able moved to Vancouver, Canada. He attends UBC Vancouver Sauder School of Business.

Dear Abel and Jaro,

Thank you for sharing these photos, we are thrilled to hear that you are both doing well. We wish you all the best and a successful time in New York and Vancouver.

Many thanks to Rosa, for sending on the photos!

Abel & Jaro

If you have been at H.I.S. for a long time, you might remember these boys! Abel and his younger brother Jaro were students at H.I.S. from 2003-4 until 2011-12.

Their mother, Rosa, just got in touch to let us know how the boys are doing. Rosa’s family moved back from China to the Netherlands this year. Here is Rosa’s message:

“The boys are both in University. Abel lives in Canada, Vancouver and Jaro just moved in August to USA, New York. Abel is in UBC Vancouver Sauder School of Business and Jaro had an early acceptancy at NYU Stern. Jaro did his IB exam this year and he was predicted a 43 and he ended with a 41 score. He did 4 HL and 2 SL.  They both do really well but I do miss them. 

Warm regards, 



Anna, Kees and Margit visited H.I.S. today. They enjoyed their “walk down memory lane” very much. Anna and Kees were students at H.I.S. in the school year 2013-14. Thanks for visiting – it was great to see you again!

photo: AS


Keili, Keno and Tisha

We love it when H.I.S. Graduates come back to visit the school and share their stories with us. Today, Keili, Keno and Tisha (Class of 2014) stopped by. Keili is currently working in Heidelberg. She has been learning German and has been accepted into Midwifery studies at the Akademie für Gesundheitsberufe Heidelberg starting soon.

Tisha is studying Genetics and Neuroscience at the University of British Columbia.

Keno is studying Aeronautical Engineering in Dresden (Technische Universität). He is looking forward to starting an internship at Airbus.

We wish Keili, Tisha and Keno the very best for their ongoing studies and future careers and hope that they continue to stay in touch.


photo: AS



Good to see you, Tatsuki!

It was great to see Tatsuki and his mother back in Heidelberg. They have been on holiday here and came into H.I.S to visit Tatsuki’s friends and former teachers.

Tatsuki finished Grade 3 at H.I.S.before returning to Japan and will be starting Grade 5 in September.  He is a terrific artist and he can be seen in the photo next to his drawing of H.I.S., which he donated to the school before he left. Thanks for coming by to see us Tatsuki. We wish you every success in Grade 5.

text & photo NP


Congratulations Nikki!

It is always great to receive news from former H.I.S. students.

Here is a message from a proud family, currently living in Washington D.C. Remember Nikki?

“We are very pleased that Nikki has finished her IB curriculum and has received her diploma at Washington International School last Saturday as the class of 2017.”

Congratulations Nikki! We wish you all the best for your next step in life. Keep us posted!

photo: Olivia van Noort

Greetings from Asahi

Asahi, a former student at H.I.S. (Grade 1 in 2014-15) sends greetings to the H.I.S. community:

“I and my family moved from Nagano to Tokyo.

I am continuing piano.

And recently, I started to play Japanese chess.

And I also started to use my laptop, so now I can read emails.

This year, I will try for Mathematics Olympic in Japan.

I want to hear what my H.I.S. friends and H.I.S. teachers are doing.

Please say hello to everyone!”

Mr Raw has my email address.


Asahi, Yoichiro and Michiru

News from Isabel

Screen Shot 2017-01-13 at 16.19.03Hi Guys, I’m Isabel. I came to H.I.S. in Grade 1 and stayed until the end of Grade 4 then left for South Africa.

I live in Durban at the bottom of South Africa on the coast. South Africa is always very hot and humid, like every day. We also are experiencing a drought throughout the year. I live in house on a conservancy.

The wildlife I see from my bedroom every day includes Impala (a type of deer) Bush buck (also deer) lots of different birds and also naughty monkeys. Screen Shot 2017-01-13 at 16.19.35I go to Crawford La Lucia School which has many after school activities. I compete in Cross Country (running) and enjoy art club.

We have lovely beaches to surf and go boogie boarding. I also go horse riding twice a week. I ride a pony called Geismo (Giz-mo) she is a nice, pretty fast pony.

Screen Shot 2017-01-13 at 16.19.19We mainly eat sea food like squid, fish, fishcakes and my favourite sushi. The food is very different compared to Germany. I miss Germany very much and hope to see you all soon!

text & photos: Isabel