Mannheimer Morgen: Protective Masks Produced in Heidelberg

Tiago & Keno continue to make a difference

Follow this link to the article published in “Mannheimer Morgen”, 14th April:,-fotostrecke-brueder-aus-heidelberg-produzieren-kostenlos-schutzschilde-aus-dem-3d-drucker-_mediagalid,36452.html

photo: Kerstin Beck

R3ality Design

Support Keno's and Tiago's efforts to produce protective masks

Here is a message from H.I.S. Graduates Keno and Tiago (Classes of 2014 and 2015) to the H.I.S. community:

We hope you are doing well in these very challenging and uncertain times and that H.I.S. is coping with the current situation. I am sorry for the IB class that their exams have fallen through. Keno is luckily done with his studies, but mine have been interrupted and I am still uncertain of how they will continue.

Meanwhile I have returned to the safety of Heidelberg and my parents’ house, and am trying to stay on top of my studies and research.

Keno and I decided to try and do more than just stay at home. We want to help with the current crisis – that we expect is still going to get worse before it gets better.

Over the last couple of months, Keno and I have been working on building a small start-up company called R3ality Design specialising in 3D printing solutions for research and home improvement. We have been producing parts for researchers at my university. During the current crisis however, we stopped all other production and have dedicated our efforts to maximising our 2 printers to produce face shields for health care professionals 24/7.

Our latest batch of 15 masks was picked up this morning by the University Clinic Heidelberg who were incredibly grateful, and will be coming by every couple of days for further batches. In between we are bringing masks to our local doctor (Hausarzt) who is in dire need of protective equipment for himself and his staff. We are further putting masks to the side to send to my fellow doctors back in Rotterdam.

The plans for the mask were made available online. Keno and I have been tirelessly calling producers of plastic visors, of plastic filaments for the printers, of rubber headbands and even of zip-lock bag products. While some of these producers replied and generously donated some items, our supplies are going to run out due to the high demand.

At H.I.S. we were always taught the importance of community and I can feel this through the enthusiasm behind the H.I.S. blog (With your current a “blog a day”). In line with the school’s dedication to making a difference, we were wondering if H.I.S. would like to support our efforts with producing protective equipment for the hospitals and clinics in Heidelberg.

We would be grateful for any donations:

Keno and I are currently spreading our message via social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter (, Instagram ( and are dedicated to expressing our sincere thanks to all the companies and associations who are supporting this project and the health care professionals.

Take care, stay safe and healthy.

Tiago and Keno

A post a day……………..17

Greetings from Canada

For those of you who never met Lori, but have wondered whom the Lori-Novak-Boulevard is named after: Lori was the H.I.S. Admissions Counsellor for many years. Together with her husband, Helmut, she moved to Vancouver Island, Canada, after her retirement. So good to hear from you, Lori!
We are of course practising physical distancing here as well, but my husband and I are keeping very busy with various redecorating projects in our new home, “digging in the dirt” of our garden which is beginning to burst into blooms, and enjoying long walks amidst the gorgeous coastal scenery of Vancouver Island – a good place to weather this storm!
My thoughts are with the H.I.S. community, and I hope you are all coping with the challenges of these strange times.
Take heart and stay well! ❤

A post a day…..5

Living in a City of over 3 Million

As some of you may know, I recently moved to Berlin with my family.

Like you, we are experiencing restrictions like schools being closed and being asked to keep our distance. Luckily, we have a huge park and forest very close to our house, so green, open space is nearby. I spend my mornings with my kids “im Wald” as my son calls it. We walk, we talk, we ask questions about nature, and collect sticks and cones for craft projects (pinecone hedgehog, anyone?).

It is lonely sometimes, but it is good to know it is possible to keep healthy and keep our distance from others in such a huge city. And we know this is the best thing to do for everyone. Hope you all stay healthy and can find small ways to enjoy this different kind of life for a few weeks.

I’ll be back for a visit soon!

The Parsons Family


text & photo: HP

Message from Elias

Dear Mrs Macdonald, Dear H.I.S.,

​In light of my recent graduation I am very thankful for the time I could spend at H.I.S. The conceptual frameworks provided from school helped me immensely with my studies of International Business at Maastricht University.

I realized that this holistic education was the perfect preparation for a successful study. I participated in the Honours Programme and Marble and graduated in June cum laude.

My future plans are to study in a master programme in Paris: International Business in combination with philosophy.


Summer Time Visit

In the week before school started we were happy to receive a visit from Tatsuki Yamamoto and his mother.

This is not the first time that Tatsuki has returned to visit since he was in Grade 3 in the 2015-16 school year and although he only spent one year at H.I.S. there were many memories we could share. He was excited to meet some of his former teachers and toured the school, including the extension, which was not even planned when he was here.

Tatsuki has kept in contact with members of staff at H.I.S. and regularly sends cards including his own drawings. His picture of the school still takes pride of place in the English Support room.

Tatsuki is currently in 7th Grade in his home country of Japan. He misses his friends in Germany, but is enjoying life.

We wish you well Tatsuki and we hope to see you again in the future!

The Class of 2019

Rhein-Neckar Zeitung Special Edition

“Abiiiiiii”, which is short for the German word “Abitur”, is the name of the annual special edition of the Rhein-Neckar Zeitung published in July. It celebrates the achievements of all students that graduated in the summer of 2019. Each Heidelberg Secondary school can fill a page with a motto, stories, quotes and information about the school. Enjoy the H.I.S. page of Abiiiiiii19!

Neuroscience Olympiade

Congratulations to Ishikaa, Grade 10, for securing 4th position at the Neuroscience Olympiade Competition (national level) held on Saturday, 11th May 2019 in Frankfurt. Ishikaa qualified for South Germany after being positioned in the top ten at the regional round of the competition hosted at Heidelberg University. 

The student awarded first place at the national competition will be representing Germany at the International Neuroscience Competition to be held in Seoul, South Korea this summer. The first three participants were also awarded with a 2 week academic workshop at Munich Center for Neurosciences (MCN, Brain and Mind) Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU), Munich. 

Although finishing fourth, the invitation to participate in the workshop has been extended to Ishikaa. It will be a great opportunity for her to refresh her knowledge in neuroscience and get a hands-on training with brain models, including contributing to laboratory research. The workshop will be conducted by professors and post-doctoral staff from LMU. 

We wish Ishikaa all the best, as she continues her exploration of the brain!


text: CHA

Former H.I.S. Student Headed Back to Mayana

We had some news from Christian, a former H.I.S. student. His family left the school at the end of last year to move back to the US.

During their time at H.I.S., the family travelled to Mayana, as part of an MCP (Make Change Possible) Friends Trip. Christian will be going back to Mayana this summer. He wrote to share the following with us:

“Hello from Christian – I was a student at H.I.S and moved back to the USA last summer. Notice the frozen Lake Michigan behind me! This upcoming summer I am going on the Make Change Possible  trip to Mayana, Namibia. While I am there I will be helping the local MCP team with using computers, I am also going to help the local school with their computers.”


Visiting Student

Fafe and his father Roberto visited H.I.S. today. Fafe was in Grade 1 last school year. His former classmates welcomed him enthusiastically.

Here is a message from Fafe for his friends at H.I.S.:

I will miss you!

Come and visit me in Spain.

I am happy in the new school.

I am proud of myself in class.

I am happy I could visit you today.


Fafe moved to Spain with his family. We wish him and his family all the very best  – come and visit us again, Fafe!


photos: AS