Staff Appreciation Brunch

A big thank you to our parent community

What a sweet (& savoury) surprise it was to see the staff room transformed into a cosy dining room with a generous buffet today.

A huge thank you to all parents, and especially to those who walked the stairs countless times to bring all the wonderful goodies to their destination.



Thank You Coffee

The final coffee morning of the school year was dedicated to our wonderful parent community. We thank the PTG (Parent Teacher Group) as well as the CVCs (Classroom Volunteer Coordinators) for their valuable contributions towards a successful school year.

We also thank all parents for their support of the school and for the teamwork between home and school that is key to making school the best experience for the students. Enjoy the final weeks of the school year 2023-24 and have a wonderful Summer Break.



PTG Coffee Afternoon

Many thanks to our Parent Teacher Group for being risk-takers by trying something new and changing a routine. The first coffee afternoon was held in the MPR, giving those parents that cannot make time for the coffee mornings the chance to stop by and enjoy a treat and a chat.





Halloween at H.I.S.

Many thanks to the PTG and Student Council for organising the events

MYP & DP Halloween party
What a great week with not one, but two Halloween parties!
We kicked off the week with the Secondary school Halloween Disco and a lot of fun was had by all, including some great costumes and dance moves! Well done to the Student Council for a very well organised event, with support from PTG. Congratulations!
Grade 7 won the overall best costume contest and the PTG will provide them with a pizza party after the break. Well done Grade 7!
PYP Halloween party
The PYP Halloween party kicked off with a lot of cool games, arts and crafts, a prize table and a very successful  first-ever spooky trunk or treat. So much fun was had by all.
Thank you to all our volunteers – students, staff and parents – that helped make this a really successful event.
Pumpkin Competition
We had a spooky Pumpkin competition and we saw some super designs and creativity that made it very difficult for the judges to decide. The winners are: Christian D (EP-Gr 2) , Torin (Gr 3-5). Winners of the most creative design: Elina and Luana.

Child Protection Workshop

H.I.S. welcomed regional resource counsellor Zoe Spranger, to a Child Protection parent workshop this week.

Our policies and procedures on Child Protection are a culmination of extensive training that has worked to remind us all of the important role we play in a disclosure situation.

Zoe helped us to get a deeper understanding of:

  • Child protection measures at H.I.S.
  • How H.I.S. works with regional services
  • Which assistance families are offered

You can find all of the information from the workshop and more in the H.I.S. Child Protection Handbook located in the internal section of our website. Thank you to all who participated and contributed to this valuable discussion.


Nutrition Workshop

Our latest parent workshop provided by the Student Support Team focused on the power of the food we eat and the impact of nutrition throughout our lives.

Caroline Ackermann, a regional, nutritional expert and consultant provided a deeper understanding of the important building blocks within our diets that promote greater physical and mental well-being.

She was able to answer many questions that motivated all of us to be mindful of the food we eat and to continue to work within our families to develop healthy food choices.

If you would like see more about the resources Ms. Ackermann presented last Friday, you can find it here .