Grade 12 Visual Art Exhibition

The 2018-19 Grade 12 IB Diploma Visual Art class would like to extend a warm invitation to both students and parents to view the results of their creative endeavors over the past two years.

Artworks will be on display in Room 210 and reflect each student’s creativity and originality.

Pieces include drawing, painting and sculpture exploring concepts as varied as Memories, Homesickness and Identity. We hope that you can find time to view the works and admire the creativity of these talented young artists.

Coming soon: Human Rights Exhibition

We are entering the final stages of preparation for the Human Rights Exhibition. Students across the MYP are working hard to produce high quality work for their exhibits. There will be poetry, factual posters, critical explorations of the Human Rights Declaration, film clips and even discussions about cloning. Doors open at 7 pm on Monday 11th March for the whole school community and the general public. We look forward to seeing you there!



Text: HP; photos: BK & KG

Please note…!

The following two events have to be postponed due to illness. The events will be rescheduled and the new dates announced as soon as possible.