Population Growth & Environmental Challenges

Grade 10 Science Project

The world population has already reached 7 billion and is growing rapidly, as a result there are growing environmental and social crises.

Science is always at the forefront of innovation, ensuring that the earth has enough resources to continue to develop and sustain life on earth. Global citizens of this generation and the next should be taught about these issues and they will hopefully have the passion, energy and creativity to find and develop solutions to these crises.

In science, students were tasked with finding their passion, energy and creativity to create a video (no more than 60 seconds) about how the growth in population highlights one of the following global challenges: promoting environmental justice, strengthening Global health or re-imagining industrial systems. This project was inspired by the student video contest from the website www.worldof7billion.org

See one example of a clip made by students:

Using their research skills and working collaboratively (in teams) through this lockdown period students made connections between the growing population and their chosen social and environmental challenge. In small groups, they problem-solved, wrote, filmed and edited a video that highlighted their sustainable solution to their chosen global challenge.

It is hoped that through this project, they not only developed their skills in researching and working collaboratively but that they will also continue to be active and engaged as global citizens and know how they can make a difference to our world.


Helau – Alaaf!

“Sorry, there will be no Faschingsfeier this year,” this is how Sanpoorna (a Grade 5 student) launched the invitation video to a group of PYP students.

Very sad news – due to the pandemic situation, all Fasching celebrations had to be cancelled in Germany.All? No, not all! There was one school in Germany that managed to celebrate Fasching.

An awesome group of Grade 5 students pulled themselves together and in addition to their already very busy “distance learning” day took on the task of planning the 9th H.I.S. PYP Faschingsfeier, which is traditionally organized by the Grade 5 students for the rest of the PYP students.

In 5 groups they planned a dance, games and some other fun activities for each Grade level. Via Zoom the students welcomed their schoolmates by complimenting their costumes and telling them how great they looked.

The “Tschu tschu” dance was quite popular, so was the Macarena dance and the Gangnam-Style dance.We saw interesting games, which were turned into zoom compatible games and played a few kahoot quizzes, which were Fasching themed.

There was this mysterious person called “The Masked Teacher” who joined each party. We wondered who that was? Fortunately, The Fat Lady guarded the entrance to the Faschingsfeier-Zoom rooms, so that only guests could take part in the celebrations.

Thank you very much, grade five, for your time, effort and patience. You are excellent “Zoomers”, great role-models and you know how to put a nice Faschingsfeier together.



Family Time – “Service And Action”

Dear MYP and PYP parents,

Service and Action for the H.I.S. community is not so easy during the pandemic. However there are activities that can be done at home from your child, that are both beneficial and rewarding. Spending a lot of time together as a family is challenging but activities help with family bonding and in helping your child practice and learn important new skills.

Please encourage your child to complete some of the family service and action activity ideas below and take a look at the overview for some other ideas and skills that can be learned:

  • Cook a meal or a desert 
  • Read a book to a younger sibling
  • Help to tidy and clean the house
  • Do some food shopping for the family
  • Create an Exercise Workout for the family
  • Teach a Dance routine for the family of your favourite tune
  • Wash and clean the car
  • Gardening
  • Create a scavenger hunt
  • Plan and lead indoor game activities (e.g. indoor bowling, Simon Says, Guess the sound)
  • Make a quiz for other families and friends on zoom
  • Do an arts and crafts activity for grandparents or mum or dad

The MYP students can record and reflect on their activities in ManageBac and the PYP students perhaps can tell their teachers what they have been doing in a zoom call.

They don’t have to do this straight away but can do some of these activities over a number of weeks until Easter. Thank you and I hope that your child enjoys whatever they choose to do.


Mindful Monday

Primary students keep a cool head and sing along with Arf

Our Primary students shared in one more Mindful Monday before the holiday break. They continued to learn more about the many emotions we are feeling during distance learning by finding ways to keep a cool-head when things get hard or if we’re frustrated.

And our friend Arf joined us again to help us learn ways to feel better again. Arf also joined us to sing a new song with the kids and parents; reminding us of ways to “self-regulate” by using our feel better skills.

A reminder for all of us to take a deep breath, hum our favorite song or move around to let off some steam. Click the link to watch and hear Mr Fortner and Arf sing the song:




Snow at H.I.S.

H.I.S. ist schneeweiß

A lovely snow day at H.I.S. today – all that was missing is you! My little friend and I cannot wait to see all students, staff and parents back at school!

Keeping (ice-cold) fingers crossed that this will be sometime soon. In the meantime you can see that the first flowers are slowly fighting their way through the frosty white blanket, getting ready to welcome you back.

Anke (& Frosty)

Rule Makers And Rule Breakers

Grade 4 Artwork

In grade 4, our current unit is “Rule makers and rule breakers”. It is mainly about how social and political movements may inspire changes.

Artists sometimes try to inspire people to think about society. Thierry Noir was the first artist to paint on the Berlin Wall in an effort to turn this symbol of war, division and oppression into a symbol of hope. In grade 4, we have been creating our own cartoon heads in the style of Thierry Noir.”​


Time to Talk

Zoom discussion for parents

The H.I.S. Student Support Team would like to invite you to join us on 4 February at 14:00 for an open discussion about focus and concentration.

We hope to discuss the skill of focusing and review what works for our children while completing required learning tasks at home.

Please find the Zoom link for this open discussion in the newsletter no. 21.