Thank you…

...for spreading joy!

A huge thank you to our parents, who with their treats, wellness supplies, surprise gifts and holiday spirit left us with a warm, fuzzy feeling on the last day of school in the school building before Winter Break. Your kindness is heartwarming and was very much appreciated by students and staff.

Many thanks to the whole H.I.S. community. Together, we managed to successfully keep the school open and running as normal as possible, for almost everyone, for 15 weeks from the end of August until Winter Break!

May the next 3 weeks bring you joy, relaxation, the safety of your home, fun watching romantic seasonal movies, hot chocolate topped with marshmallows, Plätzchen, Lebkuchen, Pfeffernüsse, sunshine and Winterzauber.

Keep checking the blog from time to time, there will be new posts to enjoy throughout Winter Break!



Heute in der Zeitung…..

Student article published in Rhein-Neckar Zeitung

Congratulations to Anton and Gregor from Grade 10.

After conducting interviews with students, staff and a representative from the Waldpiraten Camp, the students wrote an article for the local Rhein-Neckar Zeitung supported by their German teacher, Birgit Kress.

The article describes the fundraiser project and the delivery of  a supersized cheque, displaying the total amount of money collected for the Waldpiraten Camp by the H.I.S. Community.

Christmas Card Sale

Thank you for supporting the Make Change Possible Foundation by purchasing Christmas cards!

For the MCP Christmas card sale at the beginning of this week, I created over 100 Christmas cards, which earned me around 20 CAS hours.

With your help, we were able to raise an amazing total of 300 Euros. Your support is highly appreciated. I am happy to transfer your contribution to the MCP foundation and support them in their valued work in Mayana, Namibia.

Carolin, Grade 11

War, Weimar and Bauhaus

Interdisciplinary Work in Grade 10

Grade 10 students have been working on the interdisciplinary unit War, Weimar and Bauhaus for most of the autumn.  This interdisciplinary unit was a collaboration between Design and Individuals & Societies.

As it is currently not possible to organise an interdisciplinary evening like last year, the students produced posters and essays on cultural figures of the Weimar Republic.

The unit covered the First World War and political and cultural changes in Germany during the 1920s’ and early 1930’s.  There was particular emphasis on Bauhaus architecture and design. The posters the students produced this year are visually very striking (see excerpts below).

We hope to have an opportunity to share more student work with you at a later date. H.I.S. values interdisciplinary work and the teachers involved are particularly pleased with the hard work  the Grade 10 class put into  the project this year. As it was not possible to do any field trips this year because of the Covid-19 situation in Heidelberg, the students watched documentary material on the development of Bauhaus before starting work on the project. Imagination helped the students to create visually very interesting work. The interest and commitment of the students was greatly appreciated by their teachers.


Governance Unit Grade 9

Grade 9 students have been working on a I & S (Individuals & Societies) unit called Governance in collaboration with the library. As part of this unit, the students have explored different forms of government, discussed the pros and cons of various electoral systems, practiced formal essay-writing and  worked on source analysis.

The essay topic the class explored, focused on the life and achievements of Oliver Cromwell, one of the most controversial of British rulers.  The portrait project gave students a chance to analyse original paintings of both contemporary and historic figures.  The students analysed the origin, purpose,  value and limitations of various portraits. The work was also presented in class.  The students noted how portraits often not only revealed a great deal about the ruler in question but also gave the young researches a lot of information on the relevant time period.

We will continue to work on source analysis and  on developing writing and research skills in the months to come.

The I&S department received additional help from our school librarian who as part of the MYP program gave the class information literacy sessions that helped the students to achieve better results in their project work. Some of the topics covered included information on how to cite material  correctly in MLA style, academic honesty and help in using library databases for research.

As you can see from the pictures, the students chose interesting material to research and approached the projects with great dedication.  Their I&S teacher also noted with satisfaction, how the portraits chosen  for analysis often reflected the cultural diversity of the school.  The class also explored the life of ordinary people during the Early Modern era.

As it was not possible to do a big field trip that related to the unit under the current circumstances, the students enjoyed watching a very detailed documentary on the palace of Versailles as part of this unit.


Send a Candy Gram!

Spread joy and support MCP

Spread holiday cheer this month by ordering MCP Candy Grams!
As part of the MCP (Make Change Possible) CAS project, organised by Grade 11, you can support the community of Mayana by sending a Candy Gram. The goal is to raise €1.000 to donate to MCP, the Candy Grams project is the first of many fundraisers to come.
MYP and DP students, teachers, and parents can send candy and a kind message to a person of their choice. The form will be available for download from the H.I.S. newsletter on Monday or can be picked up from homeroom teachers.
By the 11th of December, the Candy Gram order form together with 2€ needs to be handed in to your Homeroom Teacher. The Candy Grams will be distributed on the 16th of December.  ‘Tis the season of giving and since 100% of proceeds are donated to MCP, your order can make a huge difference.