Hoop Dreams!

MLP Academics Basketball Team Players visit H.I.S.

Players from the MLP Academics in Heidelberg who play in the Bundesliga 2, came and delivered a thoroughly enjoyable Basketball Coaching session to the Grade 7 and Grade 10 students.

The players shared some cool tricks and encouraged the students with their dribbling and shooting skills.  We look forward to inviting the players from the team back to school in January to coach the other MYP groups!

text & photos JK

Swimming Competition

Stadtschulmeisterschaften - Congratulations to all H.I.S. participants!

Over the past 2 weeks students from H.I.S. have taken part in the ‘Heidelberger Stadtschulmeisterschaften Schwimmen’. This is an annual swimming competition held for the city’s schools at the Olympiastüztpunkt in Neuenheimerfeld.

As our swimming programme has developed over recent years we decided that it was time that H.I.S. students join in the fun and represent the school.

On Tuesday 3rd December it was the turn of the Primary School students (Grade 1 to Grade 4 in the German state school system). A group of 10 very excited students from Grades 3 and 4 boarded their ‘team’ bus and spent the journey asking questions like:

Where would the competition would be?

Would there be lots of children and schools present?

Would there be ‘big’ kids?

Are the other children fast?

All these questions were soon answered and the students competed in individual events in 25m front crawl and breaststroke (Lieselot of Grade 3 coming away with a bronze medal for her 3rd place in breaststroke).

Representing the Primary School were Hannah, Lieselot, Ella, Sephora, Alexa, Charlotte, James, Thijs, Philipp and Lucas.

On the following Tuesday it was the turn of our secondary school students (including Grade 5). The group was a bit more reserved, but no less excited about the event. Students swam individual 50m freestyle events (any stroke) and this time we also entered teams into the relays. Carolin of Grade 10 was the fastest girl in Heidelberg, not only for her age, but overall and came away with a gold medal. The relays brought further medals and the girls (2006-2009) placed third in their event, winning bronze medals.

Representing the Secondary School were Carolin, Elli, Zara, Grace, Caera, Claudia, Molly, Sophia, Charlotte, Maahi, Dóra, Hannah, Charlotte, Ruthie, Adrian, Cy, Trey, Dhruv, Jasper, Thijs and Kallum.

This was a fantastic experience for the participants and everyone was extremely proud of their efforts. Julia and I remember some of these students just starting to swim when they were in Grade 3 and to see them compete in a city-wide competition made us very proud.

After witnessing the development of our Grade 3 and  Grade 4 swimmers this year we would like to thank the Franziska van Almsick Foundation for the support with our swimming program. Since the beginning of the school year the students have had weekly swimming lessons and more recently we have also had the services of an additional swimming teaching assistant. The progress the students have made is clear to see. H.I.S. is committed to developing confident swimmers and we look forward to our continued partnership.

We will certainly be at next year’s competition so to any undiscovered swimmers – we will find you!


AR and JE

Wie macht man Werbung?

Herr Rövers besucht den Deutschunterricht der 4. Klasse

Der Grafikdesigner, Herr Rövers, kam am Mittwoch, 11.12.19, zu uns in den Deutschunterricht. Er erklärte uns wie man wirkungsvolle Werbeanzeigen macht.

Die Farbenauswahl ist wichtig, damit die Anzeige auffällig ist und man aufmerksam darauf wird. Der Farbkreis ist dabei wichtig, weil man oft Komplementärfarben wählt. Rot ist zum Beispiel eine Warnfarbe, die sofort ins Auge sticht. Außerdem zeigte er uns, dass die Schriftfont und die Schriftgröße zum Produkt passen sollte. Ein Fließtest sollte kurz und knapp sein und schnell zu lesen sein.

Um Herauszufinden wie die Elemente am besten auf dem Poster aussehen, sollte man erst einmal alles auf das Poster legen und mit der Größe der Schrift und des Bildes experimentieren. Herr Rövers sagte auch, dass wir es auch spüren würden, wenn Farben und Schrift gut zusammenpassen.

Wir hatten auch Fragen für Herrn Rövers, die er uns beantwortete.

Jetzt haben wir einiges dazu gelernt, das wir für unsere eigenen Anzeigen benutzen können!

Dankeschön, Herr Rövers!


Text und Foto: AGP Deutschgruppe – 4. Klasse  und SH

Dogs deserve a treat as well!

Grade 4 AGP German Group baked dog treats for Konnie

During our unit: Plugged In we also learned about advertisements and how to create them. Our final task was then to design an advertisement for a product, which we had to create on our own.

We wanted to make something for our school dog, Konnie, and we thought, since he likes eating everything, self-made dog treats would be a good idea. During our German lesson last week, we had the chance to bake two different, healthy dog treats.

After creating a design for the product packaging, we had the chance to feed a few treats to Konnie as a “Nikolaus” treat. He really likd them and actually wanted to eat them all. We were very happy to see that he enjoyed our treats!




Text und Fotos: AGP German Group and SH

Message from Elias

Dear Mrs Macdonald, Dear H.I.S.,

​In light of my recent graduation I am very thankful for the time I could spend at H.I.S. The conceptual frameworks provided from school helped me immensely with my studies of International Business at Maastricht University.

I realized that this holistic education was the perfect preparation for a successful study. I participated in the Honours Programme and Marble and graduated in June cum laude.

My future plans are to study in a master programme in Paris: International Business in combination with philosophy.



...a good way to start the week!

On Monday, the 25th of November, period 1, the grade 9&10 German Language & Literature class enjoyed reading the Rhein-Neckar Zeitung and having breakfast at the same time.

This is one of the students’ highlights of the annual newspaper project with the Rhein Neckar Zeitung and the Stadtsparkasse Heidelberg called “Schüler machen Zeitung.”

But apart from the fun parts of the annual newspaper project there is quite a lot of work to do:

Over a period of six weeks the RNZ sends daily newspapers for the entire class and the students will learn about the structure of a newspaper, about the different types of articles, about a good writing style and how to research interesting topics. Finally each student will write an article which will be submitted to the RNZ in January.

The Rhein-Neckar Zeitung is hosting a competition this year –  24 classes of local schools in Heidelberg will be participating.

A prize of 300 € awaits the article that will be selected by the RNZ as the best one.

Good luck H.I.S. German Junior Journalists!