Work on the playground…..

….continued today. With the MYP students all out on a Field Trip, Primary students were helping to distribute wood chips. The students were doing a fantastic job, working with wheelbarrows, shovels and buckets. There are still more “mountains” to be moved, so join us on Saturday (9am – 5pm) if you would like to volunteer. There will be a BBQ at lunch time!

photos: AS


Names & Faces 2018

It’s great to see so many new students and parents at H.I.S. at the beginning of a new school year. Whereas teachers and assistants have had two weeks to match the “names” and “faces” of the new students in their classes, parents had the chance to meet H.I.S. staff members at the annual “Names & Faces” Evening on Thursday last week. Parents with children in the Primary School were invited to visit their children’s classrooms while parents with older children met the teachers of the Secondary School in the Multi Purpose Room. 

We wish all H.I.S. families and staff a good start into the new school year.


photos: AS

Creativity, Activity And Service

Grade 11 CAS Workshop at Freiwilligenagentur Heidelberg

What are my interests and my skills? What do I want to do as service for CAS?

Together with their CAS Co-ordinator, Frau Kress, Grade 11 students went off to a workshop at the Freiwilligenagentur Heidelberg (Agency for volunteers) on Monday. The Freiwilligenagentur is an agency which brings together possibilities for community work in Heidelberg and people who want to do voluntary work. This organization works together with 200 different institutions in Heidelberg, and the current offers and needs are listed on an internet portal. The aim of the CAS workshop was, on the one hand, to inform the students about the work of this organization. On the other hand, the students were able to develop their “social profiles.”

The students worked in groups and presented their ideas and wishes. Frau Ebeling, who conducted the workshop, evaluated the student presentations and made some suggestions for possible voluntary activities in Heidelberg. The workshop was in German, therefore a lot of translation work was done by the native speakers. It was a long day with lots of information, but it is quite obvious that this is a great resource for the service component of CAS. Thanks to Mrs. Ebeling and the Freiwilligenagentur team for this great opportunity!

I thought that the workshop was extremely helpful as we learned about places in Heidelberg where we can do volunteering work that we are interested about. (Inigo)

I believe it was a positive experience in which we learned more about the things we like and where we can pursue our passions as part of the DP curriculum. (Ana)

photos: BK

How fast can a pile of wood chips be shifted?

H.I.S. Playground Project

Very fast indeed when there are so many volunteers of all ages to help! In two shifts students, parents and staff members joined forces to work on the playground on Saturday. Under the guidance of Naturspur a “mountain” of wood chips was moved onto the playground to cover the ground under the basket swing. Wheelbarrows, buckets and baskets – whatever container was available was used to transport wood chips onto the playground. The monkey garden area was refilled with a new layer of gravel and bark was stripped of the tree trunks used for building. Work was also done to prepare the ground of the trim trail area beside the multi sports court. Thanks to the PTG there was coffee and delicious muffins for breakfast and Pizza (lecker!) for lunch. Many thanks to the numerous volunteers for their enthusiasm. “Dankeschön” also to Tanja and Ruben from Naturspur for their guidance and support on Saturday.

photos: AL