IB Diploma Results

Congratulations to our class of 2017

Our students joined more than 159,400 Diploma Programme (DP) students around the world who received their results from the May 2017 examination session. This marks a 6.42 percent increase compared with last year, and they join a community of more than 1.7 million DP graduates in 152 countries worldwide. Around the world, this year’s students received an average diploma score of 29.95 points (of 45 possible maximum). This session showcases our school’s average diploma score and pass rate, which continue to be higher than the world averages.I send my congratulations to all of our students who have received their results, a fitting return for all the hard work and commitment they’ve shown in completing their studies.

According to Dr Siva Kumari, IB Director General, “The IB’s preparation for entry to higher education is second to none and, in recognition of this, the world’s finest universities welcome DP graduates as academically well-prepared humanists, who will make mindful contributions to our world today and in years to come.”

“These effects are also confirmed by independent studies, so we know that the IB increases students’ academic achievement, and the probability of high school graduation and college enrolment. Other independent studies prove that our students are well-prepared to succeed in post-secondary study. And, perhaps most importantly, they are set to make important and inspiring contributions to their communities, and will help achieve the IB’s mission of education for a better world.”

I am delighted to offer my best wishes to our students receiving their results following a strong commitment to learning and a great deal of hard work. I would also like to thank the teachers and staff at Heidelberg International School. Of course the students could not achieve these results without years of support and assistance.

Kevin Whitmore

H.I.S. Zeitung

Grade 5 students have published their annual H.I.S. Zeitung. The newspaper is available in the internal section on our website: http://www.hischool.de

Read the students’ articles online on the H.I.S. website!

Project by Grade 5 & Frau Hohenwarter