Grade 1 Field Trip to Explo

The students used all their senses

As part of our current Unit of Inquiry, Healthy Habits,  Grade 1 embarked upon their first field trip of the year this past Monday.


The class visited the Explo, an interactive scientific exposition in Heidelberg. The students had a blast exploring the hands-on exhibits, using all of their senses to make and test their predictions.




In addition, the students practiced lots of physical health as they spent time afterwards stretching their muscles, walking an impressive distance and testing their physical limits  at a nearby playground.


text & photos: Jaqueline Neumann

Field Trip to Kletterwald Speyer

Students and Teacher in Trees...

On Friday, Grades 6-10 , Grade 12, and many of the Secondary School teachers headed to Kletterwald, Speyer for a day of climbing, high ropes and zip lining.


The sun shone and it was great being outdoors, amongst the trees. There was something for everyone: those who were nervous about heights started low and worked their way up and those with more confidence headed straight to the high wires.


It was a great opportunity for all involved to get to know new faces and enjoy a great day of team building.


Thanks to the students for their great attitude and spirt on the day and the teachers for chaperoning – particularly those who ended up chaperoning 10 metres above ground!


In the students own words:

“I’m not stopping for lunch. I’ll eat on the bus back!” Jaden, Grade 6




text & photos: H.I.S.

H.I.S. Waldpiraten Run 2015

Support the H.I.S. Waldpiraten Run 2015!

Friday, 2 October 2015, Sportzentrum West Friday, 14:00 – 15:00


For the last 6 years H.I.S. has supported the Waldpiraten Camp which runs a therapeutic programme for children with Cancer in the Odenwald. The whole school will be running laps and raising money on the day. Please support us!

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PTG trip to Kohlbach – educational and fun!

A group of parents and students explored Grube Marie in Kohlbach this past Sunday.  We took a guided tour of the former lead and silver mine.  It’s more than 500 years old and a wealth of traces of work date back 5 centuries showing the transformation of mining technology from the Middle Ages to modern times. We also received a talk on the ore geology and earth history of the Odenwald.  It was very educational and fun!

150906 PTG trip to Grube Marie Kohlbach

text & photo: Dana Antonuccio

Parent Workshops Coming soon….

Come and join us!

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When: September 18th at 8:30

Where: in room 05 (German Room)

Why: To support each other

Who: All are welcome





German Field Trip “Mut zur Wut”

“Mut zur Wut” (courage to rage) is the title of an exhibition that students from Grade 9 and 10 visited with their German teachers Frau Kress and Frau Schumacher today. The posters on display are from international artists who took part in a competition, choosing political and social issues they wanted to raise awareness for. The posters were also put up in public places in Heidelberg throughout July and August.

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Students chose their favourite poster and reflected on its political or social statement. In class students will look into which strategies the artists used to make their statements.

20150909_115027Students reflected on the idea of the poster competition, here are some of their thoughts:

“Ich finde diesen Wettbewerb sehr gut, denn so kommen sehr viele wichtige Themen zusammen für die eine Lösung gefunden werden muss.” (Mica)

“Ich finde die Idee des Wettbewerbs sehr gut, weil es die Aufmerksamkeit auf die Probleme in der Welt lenkt.” (Becca)

Among the topics addressed most often by the artists students listed the following:

“Medienabhängigkeit, Hungersnot, Krieg und Pressefreiheit.” (Benita)

text & photos BK, AS & Grade 9 and 10 students


H.I.S. celebrates 15 years

Congratulations Heidelberg International School! Herzlichen Glückwunsch! ¡Felicidades

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Today H.I.S. celebrates 15 years of international education. We think back over the years and say “Thank you” to all those that have contributed to the successful growth and development of Heidelberg International School.

Kathleen Macdonald, School Director

Please join us on Saturday 19th September at 11am for our 15th Anniversary Celebrations and International Fun Fest.

Until then we invite you to travel into the past and back with the following photos…

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Whole School 2001-2


Celebrating 5 Years in the garden of the Villa

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Fun in the garden (playground) of Villa Heinstein.

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New school building 2008



text & photos: H.I.S.

CAS presentation by Roberto

“When I left Mayana I didn’t say goodbye but rather see you soon.”

Join Roberto and the MCP Working Group in the MPR at 15:30 on Monday, 21st September.

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